Krishan is responsible for disappearance of 1.78 Billion dollars thru Non-Waiver Competition and Direct Contracting. Thousands of ACP submission has been diverted and decisions of ACP Committee miss-interpreted from the CZAR of ACP.
Since November 2004, Krishan Batra has willingly and systematically:
- undermined the role of ACP Committee by deleting all minutes of deliberations from ACP Members, and excluding them from reading the final approval notes, made from Krishan Batra alone;
- in absence of ACP minutes signed from the ACP Members - awarded contracts without any approval of the ACP Committee or knowledge of the members - by submitting and creating entries in ACP submissions and entering him-self comments as if they were of the ACP members;
- created entries in ACP-Online which are fake and do not represent in any way the submissions in the country-offices and do not match the records in country offices;
- awarded contracts to ambiguous companies and non-existing clients with dubious references;
- awarded contracts to companies from Europe, USA and Canada which instead of receiving their contract awards retribution to their respective countries of registration, UNDP deposited contracts awards in off-shore accounts;
In the past 4 years Krishan Batra, has allowed that top companies like C..... profit hundred of millions of dollars in UNDP non-bid contracts, while using UNDP Country Office platforms as free public outreach and publicity for their products, to reach out and sign market-access exclusivity contracts for C...... in each and every country.
Even at HQs, Krishan Batra is responsible to allowing the so called service and maintenance companies to go for years without any bids and be awarded millions of dollars - escaping the rules and regulation with the excuse that the respective UNDP department would be "finalizing market research and prepare for eventual bid". Companies like A..., O.S...., A..T..., C...., have cashed out 183 million dollars on NON-BID and waivers of competitive biding since Nov 2004 without knowledge of any of the ACP members.
At least 5 second grade relatives of Krishan Batra have immigrated from India to the United States of America employed from A..., O.S...., A..T... and C.... since Nov 2004.
While all the above is and can be easy evidenced in every document, the OAPR and UNDP management has systematically failed in investigating this CZAR of corruption. This shows that Krishan during the years has served very well and has lured and feed the "system" in a "proper way".
Kemal dervis allowed Krishan Batra and Akiko Yuge to destroy all evidence of every ACP submission and withheld information from all COs to even be able to review their own submissions during the years.
Krishan and Akiko Yuge hired as Waiver of competitive process Steve Fridakis and appointed him within OIST - IT Unit responsible to destroy all evidence and internal electronic databases in servers of UNDP. Fridakis is responsible for shredding thousand of electronic records, and allowing Krishan Batra to escape justice.