Microsoft through Hotmail
Once you sign up for their "i'm intitiative"on hotmail, each of your e-mails make a contribution to your chosen charity and every one of your e-mails has an invitation to the receiver to sign up.
Goodsearch and Good Shop
Here's a new easy way to raise money for your favorite cause. Just start using Yahoo! powered as your search engine and they'll donate a penny to your favorite cause every time you do a search!
In addition, do all of your shopping through their online shopping mall,, where you can shop at more than 900 top online retailers and a percentage of your purchases will go to the charity or school of your choice. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation goes to your cause!
Here's the web site — You can also read about GoodSearch in the NY Times, Oprah Magazine, CNN, ABC News and the Wall Street Journal.
SearchKindly, is a search application set on your home page, that is powered by Google. Any time you search using Search Kindly all of their ad revenues are donated to a charity. They choose five organizations each month, that contributors can vote on to fund.
Trip Advisor had sponsored a competition, of sorts, last fall. Members, I was one since I had posted a review of a hotel once, could vote for one of the five charities where their Trip Adviser would donate $1,000.000. I encouraged my friends to become members, since it is very easy and vote for their facorite charity. This was a very generous donation on their part and I wish they had kept something about it on their website. Currently they have no "click to save" programs.
Iphone More a "touch" than a click . Iphone has apps where $1.99 can be donated to certain non-profits. Check out for a very good write up about this on