Ban's criticism Wednesday of the U.N.'s single biggest backer irked some members of the House Foreign Relations Committee. They were generally supportive of his leadership but voiced concern about U.N. efforts in areas from Sudan to Somalia.
"He used the word 'deadbeat' when it came to characterizing the United States. I take great umbrage [over] that," Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the panel's senior Republican, said after an hour-long, closed-door meeting. "We certainly contribute a whole lot of U.S. taxpayer dollars to that organization. We do not deserve such a phrase."
U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said it was "beyond belief" that the UN Secretary General would describe the U.S as "the biggest deadbeat" donor. Statement of Ros-Lehtinen:
"Last year, American taxpayers ponied up nearly $5 billion for the UN system. The U.S. is by far the world's largest donor to the UN. The U.S. provides other assistance for peacekeeping operations. The U.S. responds to emergency appeals. We are always on deck. Yet, the head of the UN comes to Congress and scolds us for not doing enough?”
“He demands yet more money from us while making little progress in cleaning up the badly-broken UN? Yet, the head of the UN comes to Congress and scolds us for not doing enough? He demands yet more money from us while making little progress in cleaning up the badly-broken UN? The UN's ineffectiveness is not from a lack of cash, but the result of a corrupt system which wastes money and apologizes for dictatorships.”
"The UN has been hijacked by a rogues' gallery that uses our funds to undermine peace and security. Dictatorships use the Human Rights Council and Durban 2 Conference process to restrict universal freedoms and protect extremists. The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) aids violent Islamists and partners with money-laundering banks under U.S. sanctions or under U.S. investigation for financing Islamist militants. The UN Development Program (UNDP) pays the legal fees of its corrupt officials but refuses to protect whistleblowers.”
"While Iran, Syria, and North Korea endanger the entire world, the UN is pre-occupied with condemning democratic states like the U.S. and Israel. The American people are facing serious economic challenges here at home. How can a morally-bankrupt UN ask our taxpayers to bail them out?"
Asked if he'd used the word 'deadbeat' during the meeting, Ki-Moon replied, "Yes, I did—I did," then laughed mischievously.
Mr. “No-Regard-For-The-Burden-He-Places-On-The-Backs-Of-Taxpayers” Obama seeks a 9.5 percent increase in international affairs spending, which Peter Yeo, vice president for the UN Foundation, said would be enough to cover not only next year's U.S. dues to the UN, but also $1 billion in arrears.
It’s time to get out of the United Nations and it’s high time we demanded they move their headquarters away from the United States. What has the UN done for us? Not a damn thing—EVER.