Staff close to CEB (UN's Chief Executive Board) confirm that Ban Ki-moon and many others are frustrated with JIU's damaging reports in past year, and are calling for a total overhaul of the body, despite the fact that CEB has no say on it and JIU is mandated and its member elected directly from UN's General Assembly and its member states.
Today CEB is expected to approve a greater role for United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), who is an ad-hoc parallel structure created from UNDP and a handful of other UN Agencies to counter-balance JIU and take away from UN Member States their last ability to exercise any form of oversight, which they were to accomplish thru JIU.
Another important element to be discussed is Ban Ki-moon's failure to convince and grab a piece from G20 cake, which world leaders allocated it all to IMF. Ban Ki-moon's performance and his inability to pull together convincing UN reforms, combined with major corruption and mismanagement practices inside the UN, led donors to stay away from United Nations, and focus rather in strengthening the role of IMF and World Bank.
At G20 many world leaders expressed their will to rather give more recognition to World Bank in development aid agenda, as well as put Bank in driving seat in issues like Carbon Trading and Environment.
This is a huge blow to Ban Ki-moon and his newly appointed G20-Advisor Mr. Kemal Dervis (former head of UNDP).