September 2008 - November 2008: Criminal Justice Project Produces Amicus Brief
Students Ciara Mason and Laura Mannion compile research for an amicus brief for the case Commonwealth v. Gomes and Commonwealth v. Little. Professor David Siegel writes the brief for the Suffolk Lawyers for Justice.
September 2008 - February 2009: New England Innocence Project
Two students, Jennifer Bailey and Marcus Conner, worked on a NEIP case through Goodwin | Proctor which culminated in a memorandum to the Review Committee.
September 2008 - February 2009: Criminal Justice Project writes amicus brief
Professor David Siegel researches and writes an amicus brief for the Suffolk Lawyers for Justice for the case Commonwealth v. Oscar Lyles.
January - April 2009: Asylum Applicant Assistance
CLSR Fellow Susan Walton and students Evelyn Yung-Hsin, Eve Indredat and Jenny Abbott work with Professor Dina Haynes and Attorney Sam Karpel to complete asylum application and prepare clients for asylum interview.
February 25, 2009: Criminal Justice Project moots attorney
Professors David Siegel and Lawrence Friedman, with CLSR Fellow Susan Walton, moot the attorney for the Commonwealth v. Oscar Lyles case in preparation for oral arguments.
February 2009-April 2009: Amicus Brief Submission
On behalf of the New England Innocence Project, Professor David Siegel works with associates from Goodwin | Proctor and a faculty member from Roger Williams School of Law to file an amicus brief in the Rhode Island Supreme Court case of State of RI v. Tracey Barros.
February 2009 - Present: American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law legal assistance
Students Marques Lipton and Julia Walker are working with Professor David Siegel on preparing a legal overview and direct/cross examination questions for an
February 2009 - Present: Criminal Justice Project Amicus Brief
Students Martha Drane and Maria Giraud are working with an associate at Goodwin | Proctor and Professor David Siegel on an amicus brief for Commonwealth v. Brandon Watson on behalf of NEIP.
March 26, 2009 Symposium: The Faces of Innocence: A Panel Offering Various Perspectives on the Role of Prosecutors in Revisiting Past Convictions
Co-hosted by the American Constitution Society, the New England Innocence Project, the New England Law | Boston Chapter of the American Constitution Society, the New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement
Craig Watkins, Esq., Criminal District Attorney for Dallas County, Texas,
Daniel F. Conley, Esq., Suffolk County District Attorney
Dennis Maher, exonerated by the New England Innocence Project
David M. Siegel, Esq.: Professor at New England law | Boston