The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) is scaling down its food assistance to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) due to a a request from DPR Korea's Government in May 2009.
Sheila Sisulu, the deputy executive director for Hunger Solutions at the WFP said food assistance was being scaled back because the DPRK government had requested as such.
"We are in the process of phasing down the (DPRK program) for a number of reasons ... including that the government of DPRK itself has said they don't need emergency food assistance," Sisulu said, adding that entry points had been closed.
"Obviously, we are concerned about the situation of the people," she added.
DPR Korea Government took the above steps only few days after the UNDP re-started its operations in Pyongyang. Helen Clark, the former New Zealand PM and current UNDP Administrator has given the green light to re-open a full flag economic and social assistance programme in CASH for North Korean Government. Following her agreement with the UNDP Executive Board and its Iranian President, Helen Clark seem determined to continue UNDP's destructive policies and to assist the North Korean Regime's survival.