Does Baroncini have moral claim on nepotism?

Nicola Baroncini, walk up one morning to face for himself the cruelty of the United Nations System and the unethical behavior of his supervisor (Elizondo). Well what's new to this?

I was reading the other day his story in the media and it stroke me the following passage:
"Shortly, my wife joined me (she works elsewhere in UNDP)"

Well anyone outside the United Nations reading the above, would definitely have hard time to understand Baroncini's claim for nepotism towards Rebecca Doss. Now all this can be explained with, well they might have got married after both were employed at UNDP.

Could be true or.... not.

But one thing is troubling in his claim - if wife and husband can work together in same place, why should be such a bigger deal for father and daughter not to ?

Also why is Baroncini trying to tell now stories of corruption at RBAP involving Jovita Domingo and Ligia Elizondo ?

Why didn't he come forward before the "accident" ?

Anyhow the above does not exclude and condone Elizondo's and Domingo's behavior, and many of us are aware of both unethical behavior and mismanagement. But it seem that Baroncini have some explaining to do himself, either he comes all clean or he really have no claim.