The Suffolk Lawyers for Justice (SLJ) Law School Network partners Boston-area law students with SLJ panel attorneys in semester or year-long mentoring relationships. The program aims to improve the quality of representation available to indigent clients by providing attorneys with assistance from dedicated and motivated law school students. In turn, students benefit from having the opportunity to learn how to prepare a case for trial. Students attend attorney-client meetings, participate in the client interview process, interview witnesses, conduct legal research, draft memos, and prepare cross-examination and jury instructions.
SLJ attorneys who participate in the program do so voluntarily and expect their students to handle cases with a high degree of professionalism. All students who apply to the program should do so with the understanding that if accepted, they will be expected to work in a responsible, energetic and committed manner.
To apply, submit a completed application, a current resume, and a letter of interest to: 101 Tremont Street, Suite 600, Boston, MA 02108.