Programme Discussion Drink ‘War & Religion’ - November 11, 2009
AWAke International Event, made possible by Studio and Albert Heijn
Special thanks to Prof. Dr. R.C.H. Lesaffer and Dr. R.B.J.M Welten
Dr. R.B.J.M. Welten (university professor at the Faculty of Humanities – section Philosophy)
Prof. dr. R.C.H. Lesaffer (Dean of the Law Faculty at the Tilburg University and professor at
the department of Jurisprudence and Legal History)
Discussion Leader/Host: Ruby Rosa D’souza – President of AWAke International
Duration: 19:30 u – 22:30
19:30 – 19:50
Introduction and opening ‘War & Religion
19:50 – 20:30
Dr. R.B.J.M Welten
20:30 – 20:45 Break
Live music by Simon Keats
20:45 – 21:20
Prof. dr. R.C.H. Lesaffer
21:20 – 21:35 Break
Live music
21:35 – 22:30
Discussion and Debate
22:30 Closing
Drinks with live music