16th Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference

Come to the 16th Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference!
Yale Law School
February 19-21, 2010

Featuring Keynote Speakers: Bryan Stevenson, Lani Guinier & Gerald Torres

Join us for the 16th Annual Rebellious Lawyering Conference, the weekend of February 19-21, 2010. RebLaw brings together practitioners, law students, and community activists to discuss progressive strategies for social change within and outside the law. We've got a great conference lined up! Find panel and workshop descriptions and more on our website: www.law.yale.edu/reblaw

Register for RebLaw! Go to http://islandia.law.yale.edu/reblaw/register.html and click through to the registration site. You’ll be able to sign up receive FREE HOUSING for the weekend in New Haven on the spare beds, couches and floors of local friendly, rebellious law students. You’ll also be able to order a sweet RebLaw t-shirt or hoodie.

We also invite you to check out our blog, where we’ll be posting information and updates about the conference: http://blogs.law.yale.edu/blogs/reblaw/

Questions? Please contact rebellious.law.questions@gmail.com

Financial Note: Your school or institution may also provide funding for the registration and travel costs to conferences - inquire with your administration.