Global Warming Hysteria: UN “Process” Under Threat of Collapse

Well, boo-hoo: The head of the pathetic UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is warning that unless we agree to turn over our freedom and economic futures to unelected UN bureaucrats, the “process” is doomed. From the story:

The United Nation process is in danger of collapsing unless countries are able to agree on the best way to stop global warming by the end of this year, the outgoing head of climate change negotiations has warned…Mr de Boer, who will leave his post in June, said the world cannot afford another failure. “Copenhagen was the last get-out-of-jail-free card and we cannot afford another failure in Cancun,” he said. “I think if we see another failure in Cancun, that will cause a serious loss of confidence in the ability of this process to deliver.”

Gee, how terrible it would be if we stopped spending millions treating these bureaucrats to sumptuous accomodations as they conspire, er, seek consensus, on the best way to sieze control over the world’s economies. Rather than being a negative, it seems to me that the breakdown of the UN “process” is not only to be wished, but deeply yearned.