The Robert M. Cover Public Interest Law Retreat was an amazing opportunity to broaden my law school experience. Each year the retreat is held in late February with the goal of brining together law practitioners, professors, and students from across the country who share a common passion for public interest law. The location for the retreat has traditionally been a serene setting which allows participants to interact in a way that the traditional law school environment cannot provide.
Being sponsored by the Center for Law and Social Responsibility at New England Law | Boston to attend the Cover Retreat was a highlight of my law school experience. The Cover Retreat hosted several simultaneous programs covering a nice array of facets within public interest law. This variety of programs allowed me to explore areas outside of my own interest and meet others passionate about Environmental Law, Labor Law, and Human Trafficking.
The most beneficial part of the retreat was its informal tone. Interacting with practitioners and professors this way gave me a broader understanding of their experience and allowed me to make lasting contacts with those who are experts in their field. Everyone participated freely and although there was clear expertise in the room great effort was made to solicit thoughts from all which ultimately gave depth to the entire weekend.
--Neil DePaul '10