The Indian Premier League (IPL) scam took a new turn on Thursday, as details of mail sent from Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation Praful Patel’s office to former Union Minister Shashi Tharoor were leaked to the media.
A day after Patel claimed that he had nothing to do with the IPL, it has emerged that his personal secretary had sent a mail to Tharoor in March, with a document containing projections of new franchisee valuation in the IPL.
It was reported that, Champa Bharadwaj, personal secretary to Patel, forwarded a mail from her official ID to Tharoor’s personal ID, hours after IPL Chief Executive officer Sunder Raman sent the same document to Patel’s daughter Poorna Patel, who is IPL’s hospitality manager.
Bharadwaj, sent a mail to Tharoor on March 19, two days before the bids were opened and Tharoor supported Kochi team sprang a surprise by making the second highest bid.