Vintage lovers and animal lovers can now indulge both of their passions, by supporting the volunteer-run business Shermancat that gives 100 pecent of profits back to the Humane Society of York County, USA.
I found out about this "philanthro-business" from one of the blogs I follow, Favorite Vintage Finds.
Shermancat has all kinds of wonderful vintage items on their Etsy site, like tea sets and books and mirrors, clothing, spoons, hats-you name it.
This is such a wonderful intersection of business run by the volunteers, Allison and Stacey, passionate about their business while supporting a great cause that they are passionate about also.
What is a philanthro-business? Well for lack of a better name as yet, a business that is created to support a charity, often run by volunteers, or by the employees of the charity. Anyone who has a better term-please pass it on!