Businesses That Care About Safe, Clean, Water -Blog Action Day 2010

While millions suffer from lack of available clean water both small and large companies, are donating money and resources to address this worldwide problem.

Today, is Blog Action Day 2010 Water, that focuses on raising awareness and creating a global discussion around the important issue of clean and safe water. The Blog Action Day site offers some shocking statistics on the impact that this issue has on human rights, the environment, technology and local economies.

Even though 70 percent of this planet is made of water, only a small percentage is safe for consumption and only 1 in 7 people around the world have access to safe, clean drinking water in good times, with that number dramatically increasing  in crisis like earthquakes and hurricanes.

Blog Action Day 2010 also supports the UN's mission to bring clean, safe water to millions. Please click on the petition below and add your voice to this worthy cause.

Every year in March (we wrote about restaurants that participated in 2009)  UNICEF's Tap Project partners with restaurants to raise funds to help bring clean and accessible water to millions of children around the world. Customers are asked to pay $1.00 for the glass of water they normally are served for free which is then donated to Tap.

And other businesses, are getting involved in supporting a variety of programs that are working  towards solutions for the world water crisis-

California-based CellarThief  a wine merchant that sells only three hand picked wines from world class wines at any given time. This unusual wine seller, donates proceeds from each bottle of wine to  the organization Charity:Water . For every bottle of wine sold, Cellar Thief  donates 100 day's worth of clean water.

Pantene Pro-V has created its  first-ever Pantene Global Cause Program, "Healthy Hair for Healthy Water"
Pantene's program can prevent 20 million days of illness and save an estimated 2,500 lives. For every  bottle purchased from Pantene will donate $0.10 to the P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Fund. Ten cents is all it costs to provide a child in the developing world  one week of clean drinking water.  For more information about the charity, please visit CSDW

Dow Chemical  works with NGO's, celebrities, and other companies to raise awareness about the lack of safe drinking water in impoverished communities around the globe. This year on April 18, Dow sponsored the Dow Live Earth Run for Water –  the largest global water awareness initiative, that consisted of a series of 6-kilometer run/walks, concerts and  activities centered around.
Besides raising awareness, Dow has been helping solve the global water crisis by donating funds and materials to make clean and drinkable water accessible following disasters such as the earthquake in Haiti and China. In addition Dow has been providing clean water purification systems to a variety of schools, orphanages  and hospitals in remote areas of Vietnam and India

With all the many times I have been in Starbucks, I never realized that extra bottle of water I purchased helps support  the cause of  providing children with access to clean water. Ethos® Water was created to help raise awareness about this terrible crisis. For every bottle a customer buys, 5 cents goes to the Ethos® Water Fund, part of the Starbucks Foundation. Already more than $6 million has been granted to help support water, sanitation and hygiene education programs around the world.

Small business owner/founder Suzanne Meyer Pistorius, of Blugirl Art  donates 15%  of online sales of specially selected furniture pieces, designer fabrics, jewelry and photography, to Clean Water Action.  Having grown up in Swaziland, where she came to understand the preciousness of clean water Suzanne, now in western MA, has also become an active member of Clean Water Action, helping to address some critical issues such as banning toxic BPA from children's products.

The Miox Corporation in Albuquerque creates equipment that helps sanitize water, making it safe for consumption. "As soon as we heard what happened in Haiti, it was obvious that we could help," said Matt Santillanes, engineering technician at the Miox Corporation.This led the corporation to donate over 100 portable water purifiers. Each purifier can produce 100 pounds of disinfectant per day with just adding water and salt.

Ayindisa Socially Responsible Artisan Crafts, located in Ridgefield CT,donates 15% of the proceeds of its sales of hand-woven baskets to Engage Now Africa specifically for the construction of a shallow well in a rural village of Ghana,Yarkibisi. “The construction of the well will provide much-needed clean drinking water for the village and help fight illness and disease,” said Chris Gay, the founder of Ayindisa.

Please help support this worthy cause by signing the petition below.
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