In Haiti, UN Won't Explain Not Serving Canaan Settlement, Rebuffs Call for Investigation of Mulet Role in Election

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, February 16 -- While the UN's actions around Haiti's election have led to a call to investigate top UN envoy Edmond Mulet, his humanitarian coordinator Nigel Fisher has said the UN is not serving tens of thousands of people in the Canaan settlement because the government won't allow service. “The government practically prohibited us from providing services there,” the UN's Fisher said.

Days ago, Inner City Press asked the UN to explain Fisher's comment and lack of action, and what would be done given the MINUSTAH Mission's mandate in Haiti. The question was asked by e-mail with no answer, then at the noon briefing on February 14:

Inner City Press: in Haiti, there is this report over the weekend about this large camp called the Canaan camp, which it said people had set up and with the expect… you know, thinking rightly or wrongly that services would be provided, and quotes Nigel Fisher as saying the Government has blocked the UN from providing services. And I guess I just wanted to know, what is being done to ensure that these people receive at least some basic services, given MINUSTAH being there, and what is the relationship between the Government and the UN in terms of providing services to these people?

Spokesperson Martin Nesirky: Well, we saw your e-mailed question and when we have an answer we will give it to you, Matthew.

Inner City Press: [inaudible], the question, that I guess was from last week about the report about the OIOS audit of the Umoja programme. Is there a response yet? And I also had asked a couple of additional questions about…

Spokesperson Nesirky: Likewise, Matthew, seen your e-mail, and when we have a response we will give it to you.

But two full days later, there were no answers.

UN's Ban with silent spox Michele Montas & Mulet, probe & Canaan not shown

So on February 16, Inner City Press asked Ban Ki-moon's spokesman Nesirky about not only Canaan but also the call to investigate Mulet made by Jean Henry CĂ©ant, the candidate of the Renmen Ayiti party and historic Social Affairs Minister Yves Christallin.

While Nesirky still has no answer about the tens of thousands of people in the Canaan settlement, “Let me be clear,” he said, the Secretary General supports Mulet.

Mulet term in Haiti is about to expire, and he is said to have asked to return to the UN in New York, where his deputy position in Peacekeeping is currently held by Atul Khare. And who would replace Mulet in Haiti - Bernard Kouchner? Watch this site.