The high-level Energy and Climate Change Advisory Group held its fourth meeting in Abu Dhabi—directly following the World Future Energy Summit—under the chairmanship of Kandeh K. Yumkella, Director-General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Chairman of UN-Energy, which is the United Nations system-wide coordinating mechanism on energy issues.
“The Abu Dhabi meeting is essential in the group’s efforts to provide a set of recommendations that will assist the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his leadership on climate change and energy issues and the global transition to a sustainable energy future,” said Dr. Yumkella. “With the increasing political prioritization of energy and climate change security, it is imperative that adequate and reliable supplies of energy be addressed in tandem and in the broader context of national development priorities and the Millennium Development Goals”
The Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change is mandated to provide the Secretary General with timely advice on energy issues that are critical to the ongoing climate change discussions.
“The role of the private sector is key in providing the technology and investment flows needed to transform global energy systems,” said Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, member of the Advisory Group and Chief Executive Officer of Masdar. “It is important that the private sector is fully engaged in the dialogue on a global climate change framework. In order to develop long-term low-carbon strategy that will translate to national policies and action. The Advisory Group is a demonstration of the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s leadership in developing mutually beneficial partnerships and bringing private sector perspective in relation to issues regarding energy and sustainable development.”
Among those attending the Advisory Group meeting hosted by Masdar, are top executives from companies such as Statoil (Norway), Suntech Holdings (China), Edison International (United States) as well as political figures, including His Excellency Jose Figueres, former President of Costa Rica, Senator Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation, and officials of various UN Agencies and the World Bank.