As a consumer, I think it's great to do simple everyday tasks and encounter businesses that are contributing to important causes and creating public awareness. While getting money at my local Wells Fargo ATM, I saw their message about the actions they will take in support of Earth Hour 2011.
For the last two years in March we have been posting a message about Earth Hour urging individuals organizations and businesses to participate.
This is such a simple and easy way to have a company show social responsibility without a huge outlay of expense or even effort, yet it sends a message to employees and customers that every little bit of effort can help the planet.
Here are some ideas for your company can adopt for Earth Hour 2011.
- Power off all your computers for the weekend so that they are not running during Earth Hour.
- Set your timers for your lights to turn off in your place of business at that hour.
- Turn off any outdoor electrical signage for that hour.
- If your business is normally open during those times, host a special candlelight event for customers and clients during that hour.
- Raise awareness through your website and other social media.
- Post a virtual lantern on your facebook page and on your website. (See how to get your lantern below)
- Collaborate with other businesses to sponsor a candlelight vigil in your community.
For more ideas on how your business can support Earth Hour check out and make your own lantern below.