Public Interest Fellowship Series

Boston-Area Law Students and Graduates Are Invited to Attend Three Fellowship Information Sessions at Northeastern School of Law This Summer!

Soros Justice Advocacy Fellowships:
June 27th @ Noon, Room 230 Dockser, Adam Culbreath, Program Officer

Soros fellowships fund outstanding individuals—including lawyers, advocates, grassroots organizers, activist academics, and others with unique perspectives—to initiate innovative policy advocacy projects at the local, state, and national levels that will have a measurable impact on criminal justice reform. Fellowships are 18 months in duration, may be implemented in conjunction with a host organization, and can begin in either April or September of 2012. Information available @

Equal Justice Works Fellowships:
July 11th @ Noon, Room 230 Dockser, Chuck Jackson, Director of Fellowships

Equal Justice Works (EJW) is the national leader in creating postgraduate public interest fellowship for law students and lawyers. EJW fellowship programs provide financial and technical support to lawyers working on innovative and impact-oriented legal projects. Fellows work on a range of issues, including domestic violence, homelessness, community economic development, immigration, civil rights, juvenile justice, employment rights, access to health care, consumer fraud and environmental justice. Mr. Jackson will be speaking about AmeriCorps legal and Equal Justice Works Fellowships as well as the new Public Defender Corps. Program. Information available @

Skadden Fellowships:
July 18th @ Noon, Room 230 Dockser, Susan Butler Plum, Director

Skadden Fellowships fund third year students and exiting judicial clerks who propose projects that provide civil legal services to the poor, including the working poor, the elderly, the homeless and the disabled, as well as those deprived of their civil or human rights. Fellowships are awarded for two years. Skadden provides a salary, loan forgiveness and fringe benefits. Information available @