Ice may be melting, but is carbon dioxide the real culprit?
By Hilary Douglas
WITH energy firms poised to hike their prices by up to 22 per cent, consumers may well feel it is time to question the growing burden of so-called green taxes.
While energy experts will point to a rise in the price of oil, the Government’s commitment to renewable energy is the real reason behind the increases, as we already have 14 per cent added to our bills to fund projects which cut carbon emissions and global warming.
However a leading scientist who worked for Australia’s Department for Climate Change for many years, says experts got their predictions wrong and the whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of any global warming is in fact a lie.
David Evans, who was a consultant for the then Australian Greenhouse Office until last year, said: “The whole idea that carbon dioxide is the main cause of any warming is based on a guess made in 1980 that was proved totally wrong by scientists as far back as the mid-Nineties.
The whole thing is now a train wreck. Although no one started out to scam or mislead, really the climate scientists are a bit corrupt now as they know they are exaggerating, but there are now too many jobs, industries, trading profits and political careers riding along on this nonsense to admit it is just that.