A results take-over of aid effectiveness? How to balance multiple or competing calls for more accountability

  • This event is the second in a series of events focusing on aid effectiveness in the lead up to Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan in November 2011.

    The language of results is not new – it is integral to the aid effectiveness agenda. But against the backdrop of growing financial constraints, it is receiving renewed emphasis in many donor countries. This debate will explore possible tensions, as well as opportunities, where donors seek to reassure domestic publics that aid is being spent well while they also endeavour to support the needs and priorities of aid recipient countries and their citizens. How can domestic accountability to both these constituencies be supported more effectively? Are there tensions between these different stakeholders and forms of accountability, and how can they be addressed?

  • Speakers:
    Sarah Cliffe - Special Representative and Director, World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development
    Sue Unsworth - The Policy Practice and ODI Board Member
    Alan Hudson - Senior Policy Manager, Governance (Transparency & Accountability), ONE
    John Morlu - former Auditor General, Liberia
    Alison Evans - Director, ODI