The Federation of United Nations Staff Association (FUNSA), Pakistan

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of The Federation of United Nations Staff Association (FUNSA) in Pakistan I wish to express our solidarity and full support to CERN staff who are going to strike for their legitimate right of defending their pensions.

A deductions in employers contributions to the pension would amount to depriving the staff of their pension and reduce it in disastrous proportion. However on behalf of the FUNSA Pakistan I also want to bring to your kind attention that such tactics are not new and employers always try to minimize the benefits of the staff. However a strong union and commitment in form of staff solidarity has always forced the employers to budge in.

On behalf of the FUNSA Pakistan I wish to reiterate our solidarity with you and wish you all the best,

In solidarity

Razi Mujtaba Haider

President FUNSA Pakistan

Staff Representative ILO Office for Pakistan