SRI List: Exchange Traded Funds ("ETFs")

Below, SRI provides a directory/list of Exchange Traded Funds (and Exchanged Traded Notes).

These ETFs are provided on a global basis, as this website's audience has become global. Data is provided by Bloomberg LLP.  Reading the table left to right..
  • Leftmost column is the ticker of the ETF
  • Name column is the official ETF name, and are sorted alphabetically
  • Underlying Index Ticker is the ticker of the Index that the ETF tracks
  • Total Returns are 1YR.   Longer returns were not provided as several funds are new and data was not available.
  • Parent Company name is the owner of the ETF, and not necessarily the portfolio manager.
  • Domicile is the country of the ETF

Some observations:  
      • Most of the ETFs are based on Clean Energy
      • Few are based on "positive" socially responsible investing  (e.g., KLD 400 Social)
      • Best Performing ETF is the Korean-based KTB Great SRI with 25% 1 year return
      • Average trading volumes have been relatively low.


As one can see from the list below, while Exchange Traded Funds for SRI are growing rapidly, there still are few to choose from.  If you simply want to invest in a Clean index, then ETFs are for you.  But for most investors, it is recommended that individual stocks, and Mutual Funds be investigated.
Source:  Data is provided by Bloomberg LLP