Jens Wandel to replace Akiko Yuge at UNDP's Bureau of Management
Two months ago, on Sept 6th 2011, Amb. Joseph M Torsella of USUN, speaking in front of the UNDP's Executive Board said:
Given the increasing and appropriate demand for information access by both the international community and domestic constituencies, we have reached a juncture where we have to ask the hard question: Will UNDP adopt full public disclosure as its policy, and when? The answer will have a profound impact on the perception of UNDP’s integrity and on the support it receives from donor and program countries in the years ahead.
For the sake of UNDP’s future, that answer must be “yes.” Because full transparency is an obligation we owe not just to UNDP’s donors, but also to the vulnerable population that UNDP serves: they will be the ultimate beneficiaries of the enhanced effectiveness that comes with the sunshine of public scrutiny. Because UNDP should be a leader, not a follower, on issues of public management standards. And because at a time when all of us are demanding transparency and good governance in both developed and developing states, we should ask no less of UNDP.
What you read above was not "only for UNDP's own sake", but also for the sake of all those State Department's fellows who have invested heavily in past years (decades) in UNDP, and whose budget is about to be cut by Illeana Ros-Lehtinen and GOP majority at the US House of representatives.
This time there are no Europeans to cough-up the money like they did back in 2007, when Illeana Ros-Lehtinen managed to cut almost $70 Million from UNDP in retaliation to UNDP's abuses in North Korea, Myanmar and Iran. Europeans are broke! So is the US's uncle Sam.
So Helen Clark, or let's better say - Heather Simpson, got the message and since mid September has been preparing in secret a plan of actions that would make radical changes in UNDP by 31st December 2011.
The secret plan, who seem to liken the one of Mark Malloch Brown in mid 90's, will remove almost all ASGs and D2 and strat a major reshuffling of UNDP's COs. In the plan is also included a 10% reduction of UNDP offices, specially those in Eastern Europe or CIS in countries where democratic reforms and development are quite advance the "UNDP's assistance is no longer relevant".
Among those who have received notice this week is
Akiko Yuge. Jens Wandel should be the one to replace Akiko, but will Jens be comfortable to work with corrupt Darshak Shah and others at Treasury or Procurement ? Will see !