Below is an announcement from New England Law | Boston's National Lawyers Guild Chapter:
Tenants Rights Street Law Clinic
Thursday, November 3 at 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Location: Room 507
About the Clinic:
Volunteering to conduct Street Law Clinic workshops is a great way to start using your legal skills and, with only a few hours per month, assist communities in need. This work also counts towards the Public Service Transcript Notation. After receiving the training in the Street Law Clinic you can go out and teach others.
Tenant/Landlord Disputes
State and local laws designed to protect tenants are often ignored or deliberately violated by landlords. Tenants frequently do not know how to assert their legal rights. Participants in this workshop learn what their rights are with respect to such issues as:
•Rent increases
•Health code violations
•Lead paint
Participants also discuss strategies for tenants to organize effectively and to assert their rights.
Sometimes small landlords attend this clinic and learn their obligations as landlords under Massachusetts law.