Luanda – The Angolan Planning Ministry learned with indignation of the 2011 Human Development Report drafted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that used statistic data of 2001 on Angola, Angop learned Friday in Luanda.
According to a source, the Planning Ministry considers inacceptable that an organisation of prestige like the UNDP fails to abide by rigour and objectivity in drafting a document of such a great responsibility, for its impact on the assessment of the performance of the Angolan executive and in the perception of the image of the country, mainly abroad.
For this reason, the Planning Ministry as a department organ of the Angolan Executive refuses to recognise any value to the said report and appeals to the UNDP to adopt scientific rigour and respect for the truth of facts in conducting future studies.
The Angolan authorities say that in drafting its reports on Angola, the UNDP insists in using outdated data, disregarding elements contained in the recent Population’s Wellbeing Enquiry (IBEP) compiled with UNICEF and World Bank support, this resulting in the country remaining with the same Human Development Index.
In view of this, and as a protest against the information contained in the Report, the Planning Ministry declines the invitation and support for the official release of the said report in national territory.