Annual Health Lawyer Career Event- Boston Bar Association
Tuesday Jan 24; 4:00 to 6:00
Annual Health Lawyer Career Event, with a twist – hear from young and experienced lawyers who entered their legal careers in a less traditional way and have established exciting, diverse careers. The panel is joined by Patricia Hennessy who will discuss interview skills, networking opportunities and offer advice to new graduates, soon to be graduates and those who may be interested in changing the focus of their careers. Moderated by Kevin Outterson from Boston University, this evening will be a great opportunity to learn from experience and meet the best and the brightest.
Moderator: Kevin Outterson, Northwestern University;Associate Professor, Boston University.
Career Coach: Patricia Hennessy, Harvard Law School;Hennessy Consulting Group, Career Management Consultant.
Health Lawyers:
Alicia Christensen, New England School of Law (2009); Conflict of Interest Specialist, Office of General Counsel,Children's Hospital Boston.
Dianne Pledgie, Northeastern School of Law (2005);Compliance Officer and Manager of Government Grants, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program.
Monica ValdesLupi. Boston University, MPH (1998); Pennsylvania State University, The Dickinson School of Law (1997); Deputy Commissioner, Department of Public Health.
Josh Greenberg, Northeastern School of Law (1993);Vice President, Government Relations, Children's Hospital Boston