Immigrant's Rights Summer Fellowship

Micahel Maggio Immigrants’ Rights Fellowship

AILA is one of three organizations that funds the Michael Maggio Immigrants' Rights Fellowship, a summer Fellowship that awards $4,000 to a law student to work on an immigration related student-initiated project. The Michael Maggio Immigrants' Rights Summer Fellowship was established jointly in 2009 by the America Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CHRCL), and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild (NIP/NLG), to commemorate the life and legal contributions of Michael Maggio. Interested students must submit a project proposal with an organization willing to host the student for 10 weeks and provide a $1,500 stipend. The $1,500 amount may be paid by the host organization or may be provided by the law student through other means, e.g., law school public interest funding, independent fundraising, etc. The Maggio Immigrants' Rights Fellowship will provide an additional $2,500 stipend for a total award of $4,000. Applications will be accepted through February 1, 2012 and the Fellow will be notified by March 1, 2012. To learn more about the Fellowship visit

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