New York Salary for Assistant Secretary General level at UNDP


Grade: ASG
Step: 1
Marital Status: Married (most are married)
Dependent: Yes
Duty Station: New York
Medical Insurance: Blue Cross (you can opt for Aetna or HIP)
Post adjustment: 65.5%
Classification: H (Hardship)

Salary and Allowances at dependent rate
Net Base Salary: $133,950.00
Post adjustment: $ 87,737.25 (@ 65.5% of month net)
Dependency Allownc: $ 5,858.00
Hardship Allowance: $ 3,150.00
Total Earnings: $230,695.25

United Nations Social Security deductions
Pension fund: $ 21,593.23
Group Life Ins: $ 936.00
Medical Insurance: $ 14,147.62
Dental Insurance: $ 1,612.53
Total Deductions: $ 38,289.38

Annual salary after deductions: $192,405.87

Monthly salary after deductions: $ 16,033.82



1. Million air miles accumulated on official trips flying exclusively Business or First Class (all miles are for personal usage);
2. At minimum 100 days of Daily Subsistence Allowances when on official trip = to an additional $30,000 per annum;
3. A Corporate Credit Card for incidentals and meals - $15,000 per annum;

and definitely does not include what you can make thru corruption, like i.e.:

1. Hiring your wife, children or gay/lesbian or extra-marrital *** friend;
2. Allow for no-bid procurement of goods and services from "special clients" who then either give you CASH or hire you at the end of your tenure;

and please not to worry - you are immune from any prosecution during the time you serve for the UN.

You also are given the option NOT TO disclose your assets or family deals - should you feel like.