Stipends of $6,000 for Summer Internships
The Massachusetts Bar Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of applications for its 2012 Legal Intern Fellowship Program. Founded in 1996, the Legal Intern Fellowship Program seeks to encourage careers in public interest law, while contributing valuable legal support to organizations serving the under-represented in Massachusetts.
Law students selected to be Legal Intern Fellows will receive a stipend of $6,000 to volunteer for ten (10) weeks during the summer months at a nonprofit organization that provides civil legal services to low-income clients in Massachusetts. Fellowship recipients may combine this award with funding from other sources to finance the internship. All current law students are eligible to apply. The internship must be conducted at a nonprofit organization in Massachusetts that has been in operation for at least one year and has programs dedicated to providing civil legal services to the indigent in Massachusetts. In addition, the organization must have a staff attorney who will supervise and mentor the intern. Applications for the Legal Intern Fellowship Program are due at the MBF’s offices by 5pm on March 16, 2012.
Detailed information about the program, including application forms, is available online at www.MassBarFoundation.org. If you have any questions regarding the Legal Intern Fellowship Program, please contact the MBF Development Office at 617-338-0647 or foundation@massbar.org.