UNDP SCANDAL: - Is this corruption or telepathy ? Even when a manager is rightfully appointed - UNDP process lacks transparency

On 18th October 2011 - the UNDP Watch announced the appointment of Jens Wandel as the new Director for BOM at UNDP.

4 months before the Secretary-General appointed him (only yesterday) at this position.

Is this corruption or telepathy ? Was the hole process fair or rigged ?

Well believe it or not, as of last night, while Jens Wandel is rightfully celebrating his new job, there is a request for full investigation into Ban Ki-moons & Helen Clark appointments, since this was already "predicted" 4 months in advance in press.


U.N. Leader Ban Ki-moon Accused of

Secretive Hiring Practices and Stonewalling

By George Russell


Editor's Note: See bottom for update to this story.

As Ban Ki-moon begins his second term as United Nations Secretary General, he has come under withering criticism from within the world organization over the way he hires and replaces top managers.

In a remarkably harsh report, a special U.N. investigative unit has charged that the way Ban chooses his most important managers is shrouded in excessive secrecy, that he keeps U.N. member states in the dark about top job vacancies, that he has created elaborate and arcane titles and functions, and skimps on detailed reference checks that could determine whether top officeholders are qualified to do their jobs.

Moreover, the inspectors say, the selection process has become so cumbersome that “appointments are not always made on time,” there is “almost no overlap between incumbents,” and that “ positions are vacant for long periods of time.”