PSA for the Children of Chattanooga (and Sally Robinson)

I attend City Council weekly. I regularly converse with City Council representatives, letting them know what I think about any number of random topics, asking them questions, probing into their decisions and deliberations. While the City Council chamber itself was clearly not constructed by an architect with a proper respect for the sovereignty of the people, and the City Council in general has at times frustrated, embarrassed and infuriated me, I have always viewed them, on a whole, as more progressive, accountable and transparent than the Hamilton County Commission, which often feels like a contemporary adaptation of Birth of a Nation.

So, I was pretty disappointed when some members of the Chattanooga City Council used my appointment to the Department of Neighborhood Services & Community Development Citizen Advisory Board as an opportunity to attempt to publicly humiliate me. It became very clear very quickly that there had been the grinding of axes in the lead up to my appointment.

Here are the highlights:

Sally Robinson began the whole ordeal by publicly noting that I do not stand or participate in the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag. "I hate to ask this, but are you even a US citizen?" Robinson asked.

Jack Benson used the opportunity to attempt to publicly cut a deal with me - telling me under no uncertain terms that he would vote in support of my appointment if I would stop trying to recall the Mayor and promise to never recall any other elected official ever again. Aside from the obvious absurdity of asking a citizen to promise to abdicate their rights in return for a vote, Jack Benson did succeed in making the recall of elected officials have the same air of paternalistic concern that most parents accord body piercings, tattoos and recreational drug use.

Manny Rico outshone everyone. He took the opportunity to claim that I have tried to intimidate him, that I do not listen to him (which elicited more than a few chuckles from the crowd), and to ask me if I had "ever had a real job?" When I asked how anyone should be expected to seek appointment to a city board if they are going to be scrutinized in such a vicious manner by the City Council, Rico shot back "they pay their dues" - I have yet to discover what the going rate and form of payment is.

Never wishing to be upstaged in the department of infantile jingoism and reactionary politics, the has been running the following poll ever since:

You can read more about this bizarre event at the and WRCB Channel 3 or watch the entire exchange HERE.

The message from Robinson, Benson, and Rico was very clear: if you are a thorn in our side, if you take the time to meaningfully participate in the formation of social policies in any way that challenges us or challenges the cozy little fiefdom we have established, then we will jump at the first opportunity we have to publicly insult and belittle you.

Not wanting this to be the final word on the matter and not wanting Boss Hog and the Chattanooga City Council Committee on UnAmerican Affairs and Activities to discourage the next generation from shaking things up, I have made the following Public Service Announcement for the Children of Chattanooga (and Sally Robinson):