What's Coming Next Semester in Environmental Law at New England!

Environmental Coming Attractions!

Professor Manus comes back full time in the fall and here's the slate of environmental opportunities we've got lined up so far -- Professor Williamson (our EPA connection) will continue to teach Environmental Law in the fall. Professor Manus will offer the AEL seminar Environmental Politics, and Professor Cox offers his International Environmental Law seminar. In the spring, Professor Manus takes over for Environmental Law, while Professor Bandrowicz (our other EPA connection) offers her water law seminar and a new adjunct professor, alumna Laura Bickel, offers Energy Law & Policy.

Professor Manus is also working with the Environmental Law Society and others on ideas for extra-curricular activities that the CLSR can tackle. Should be a good year for us green folk at New England. To learn more about environmental opportunities outside of the classroom, please visit the Environmental Advocacy Project at the Center for Law and Social Responsibility.