UNDP "leased" a UNAMA Jet to fly Rebeca Grynspan from Dubai-to-Kabul-to-Dubai

@InnercityPress (Exclusive) reports on Grynspan use of a UN Jet - is this illegal?

UNAMA Jet Used by Rebeca Grynspan

UN Travel Rules say:

4.2 For official travel by air, the standard of accommodation shall be economy class, except as provided in (a)-(d) below: 

(a) For the Deputy Secretary-General and, where applicable, his or her eligible family members, first class shall be provided for travel on official business, on appointment or separation, on home leave and family visit, irrespective of the duration of the particular flight; 

(b) In order to perform their functions, for staff members in the security detail of the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General, first class shall be provided for required travel; 

(c) For Under-Secretaries-General, Assistant Secretaries-General and, where applicable, their eligible family members, the class immediately below first class shall be provided for travel on official business, on appointment, reassignment or separation, on home leave and family visit, irrespective of the duration of the particular flight. However, Under-Secretaries-General and Assistant Secretaries- General designated to represent the Secretary-General on ceremonial occasions or to undertake missions in the exercise of the Secretary-General’s good offices under the Charter of the United Nations or resolutions of the General Assembly or the Security Council may, on the approval of the Secretary-General, be provided with first-class travel accommodation, irrespective of the duration of the flight involved;

Thus flying first class (which includes use of UN vehicles/jets) seem to be within the rules of the United Nations.