Kofi Annan says: After 9/11 Americans worst than Saddam Hussein

Click here for this on Foreign Policy/Tutle Bay (by Colum Lynch)

Kofi Annan says post-911 world feared America more than Saddam Hussein
In his upcoming memoir, Interventions: A Life in War and Peace,  Kofi Annan says a “heavy curtain” fell between the US and rest of world after 911. (book is written with Nader Mousavizadeh)

  “To many Americans, and the Bush Administration in particular, a global response was eminently justified by the barbarism visited upon the country and two of its greatest cities. For much of the global community in those days — shocking though this seemed to many Americans—the greatest threat to world peace came not from Saddam, but from an enraged and vengeful United States. Tragically, the chaotic, bloody aftermath of the subsequent invasion did little to change this perception.”