NORAD: Activity Based Financial Flows in UN System: a Study of Select UN Organisations (still missing important parts of report)


Activity Based Financial Flows in UN System: a Study of Select UN Organisations

evaluering study 9 2011
Published:February 2012 by Norad
Commissioned by:
Carried out by:Stefano Migliorisi, Iradj Alikhani, Michel Cramer, Nils Borje Tallroth, Manouchehr
Series:Evaluation studies 9/2011
Only available electronically


At the end of the year, UN agencies have a build-up of unspent funds, shows this new study on financial flows in the UN.
The French consultancy company Investment Development Consultancy (IDC SA) was awarded the contract for carrying out the study after having won an international tender in the summer of 2010.  This publication has been produced with funding from Norad. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of Norad or MFA.
The study is based on publicly available UN documents that have been published during the period 2000-2010. Interviews have also been conducted with the staff at the head offices of the various UN agencies, as well as the country offices in Uganda and Vietnam. 
The study also documents the development in the revenues of the agencies during the period  2001-2009,  how the total funds are planned spent, how the agencies allocated the funds, how the use of the funds was carried out, as well as the developments in staffing, wages and salaries, accounting auditing, and control of the use of the funds. 

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