Mr. Benomar also served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Before his career with the UN, Mr. Benomar was a director at the Carter Center where he worked closely with former US President Jimmy Carter on human rights and mediation issues.
In addition to other methods, the Secretary-General uses his ‘good offices’ – steps taken publicly and in private, drawing upon his independence, impartiality and integrity – to prevent international disputes from arising, escalating or spreading.
Mr. Ban also announced today the appointment of Enrnesto Enrqiue Baca of Argentina as the Assistant Secretary-General for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Project in the UN Department of Management.
In a news release, Mr. Ban’s spokesperson said Mr. Baca brings with him “extensive experience in leading major business transformations, large scale process re-engineering and change management initiatives, including ERP system implementation in the United Nations system and the private sector.”
Mr. Baca was previously the Chief Information Officer and Director of Information Technology and Management Services of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), where he led the agency’s business transformation and information technology projects.
Before joining the UN, Mr. Baca acted as the Chief Executive Officer of Telecarrier International Inc, in Panama, and had held senior positions at Telecom Argentina.