UNDP awards Swaziland Government with a plaque acknowledging the great strides the country has made in combating the depletion of the ozone layer


Read this in full at Swazi Observer: http://www.observer.org.sz/index.php?news=43300

AS part of the International Day of the preservation of the Ozone layer, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative Kabiru Nasidi presented the Swazi government with a plaque from the UN acknowledging the great strides the country has made in combating the depletion of the ozone layer.

The event, which was hosted by the Swaziland Environmental Authority  last Friday at the George Hotel in Manzini, was in commemoration of the country’s signing of the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer.

The event, which was held under the theme ‘Protecting Our Atmosphere for Generations to Come,’ was attended by acting Tourism Minister Benedict Xaba, , Senators Princess Phumelele and Nozibela Bujela, Manzini regional administrator representative Chief Mdlaka Gamedze, senior staff from the ministry of tourism as well as  a  number of students from various institutions of higher learning in Swaziland who also took part in a debate pertaining the depletion of the ozone layer and its effects.

This year the world was celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and Swaziland in its 20th year of being a signatory. This agreement is recognised as being the most successful multilateral environmental agreement and this means all countries have legally committed themselves to meeting the targets for the phasing out of ozone depleting substances .

Under this protocol, developing countries like Swaziland have been given a 10-15 year grace period to comply with the initial phase out dates. Furthermore, Swaziland receives funding and technical assistance to ensure it complies withe dates.

 Nasidi mentioned that he was particularly impressed with the presentations by the students from the various institutions of higher learning during the debate session.

 He echoed remarks made about the need to protect the ozone layer as it protects the earth from the harmful rays of the sun.

 He mentioned that the UNDP hasd been in partnership with government to combat the depletion of the ozone layer,  saying the partnership would continue for many more years.

Read this in full at Swazi Observer: http://www.observer.org.sz/index.php?news=43300