(TendersInfo (India) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge)
Contract Awarded for PR Firm to Further UNFPA's Mandate
UNFPA had received 3 valid proposals from following institutions against the RFP UNFPA/CPH/12/018 which was published on 09 March 2012.
1) Portland Communications Ltd
2) APCO Worldwide Ltd
3) Hoffman & Hoffman
UNFPA carried out a detail and careful evaluation process on all three valid proposals received by the bid deadline based on the evaluation criteria published with the RFP document. Based on the final result of the evaluation process and the endorsement of the Chief of Procurement of UNFPA, Portland Communications Ltd has been awarded with the contract as they had secured the highest combined score from the final evaluation.
Contract value (USD): N/A
Contract Award Date: 08-06-2012
Financier : United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA),
Agency : Agency: UNFPA Udara Bandara (bandara@unfpa.org)
country :United States (c) 2012 Euclid Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Provided by Syndigate.info an Albawaba.com company
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