UNDP Watch will begin publishing all Internal Organigrams of UNDP
Public has the right to know who is who at UNDP
United Nations Development Programme
1 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 906-5000
Fax: (212) 906-5001
Email address: HQ@undp.org; http://www.undp.org
Helen Clark/Ms
(212) 906-5791
Associate Administrator
Rebeca Grynspan/Ms
(212) 906-5788
Executive Office of Administrator (ExO)
Fax: (212) 906-5778
Director and Chief of Staff:
Abdoulaye Mar Dieye/Mr
(212) 906-6768
Special Adviser to the Administrator:
Heather Simpson/Ms
(212) 906-6338
Policy Specialists:
Pedro Manuel Moreno
Anna Hjartardottir
Sarah Renner
Natalia Linou
Martin Hart-Hansen
Administrative Specialist:
Alan J Lee
(212) 906-6570
Executive Associate to the Administrator:
Annette Edra
(212) 906-5770
Executive Associate to the Associate Administrator:
Astrid Bissainthe
(212) 906-5789
Personal Associate to the Director:
Zelalem Abedje
(212) 906-6938