UNDP addressing biodiversity by spending millions $$$ for "Dalmatian pelicans". Is this the way you want your taxpayers dollars spent by United Nations?

Click here to read this in full @ Environment News Service: http://ens-newswire.com/2012/10/18/un-strategizes-to-fund-biodiversity-recovery-in-100-countries/

HYDERABAD, India, October 18, 2012 (ENS) – Delegates from 170 governments meeting in Hyderabad today adopted a new environmental strategy to address the unprecedented levels of biodiversity loss throughout the world.
Proposed by the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, the strategy is focused on raising the funding to restore species and ecosystems in 100 countries by 2020.

Dalmatian pelicans
A Romanian law for protection and management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve passed in 2011 protects these Dalmatian pelicans. (Photo by Daniel Petrescu courtesy BirdLife International)

As the threats to biodiversity mount, the need for financial resources has become more urgent. With these investments, the UNDP will work with governments to conserve up to 1.4 billion hectares of land and bodies of water in 100 countries.
In short, the strategy is to integrate biodiversity and ecosystem management with development, climate change risk reduction, and poverty alleviation.
A panel of women in the highest positions of financial and administrative responsibility all pledged their support for the new strategy.
“Human survival depends heavily on biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, yet in recent decades, the world has experienced unprecedented biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, undermining the very foundations of life on Earth,” said UN Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator Rebeca Grynspan.

Environment News Service (http://s.tt/1qsZx)