Countries map plan to accelerate the MDGs
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25 October 2012 (Suva, Fiji) – As the three-day Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Acceleration Framework Pacific Methodological Workshop came to an end yesterday, participants were reminded there is much more work to be done.
Participants from Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu identified and reviewed the methodological steps of the MDG Acceleration Framework. They prioritized ongoing interventions, identified and categorized bottlenecks, and developed and prioritized solutions to achieve some of the MDGs. The MDGs Acceleration Framework is a new process to the Pacific and participating countries are at various stages of formulation. Fiji participated in the workshop as an observer.
Tonga chose to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs - MDG target 6.C), Tuvalu looked at improving primary school completion rates (MDG target 2.A) and Vanuatu identified improving access to reproductive health focusing on adolescent birth rates and unmet need for family planning (MDG target 5.B).
Speaking at the closing of the workshop, Ms Akiko Fujii, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Deputy Resident Representative reminded participants that the “formulation process does not end here as the deliberations from this workshop will be taken back to be reviewed by established expert working groups and a final validation workshop will be undertaken before the Framework is endorsed. Following the endorsement, will be the application of the MDGs Acceleration Framework within existing local planning and implementation mechanisms with support from relevant development partners.”
“The sharing of experiences among the four countries has enriched the MDGs Acceleration Framework formulation process in each of individual countries,” Ms Fujii said.
“It is encouraging to note that the draft MDGs Acceleration Framework action plans have taken into account disparities and inequalities within countries that is the rural and urban divide, gender dimensions and the needs of vulnerable groups,” Ms Fujii added.
The MDGs Acceleration Framework is an innovative approach designed to help countries identify and resolve barriers to eradicating extreme poverty and achieving sustainable development. It provides a systematic way for countries to develop their own action plan based on existing plans and processes to pursue their MDGs priorities. It also helps governments to focus on disparities and inequalities, two of the major causes of uneven progress, by particularly responding to the needs of the vulnerable.
For more information contact, Sheryl Ho, UNDP Knowledge Communications Analyst, tel: (679) 3227-504 or email:
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