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2 November 2012 – The panel tasked with advising on the global development agenda beyond 2015, the target date for achieving the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), today reaffirmed its commitment to work together on a framework to combat poverty.
“We had a lively, constructive and very productive set of discussions,” said Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, one of the three co-chairs of the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda after the panel’s second meeting in London.
According to a news release, discussion among the Panel members covered human development, jobs and livelihoods, and how to reach the marginalized and excluded. The three-day meeting also allowed Panel members to gather input from international civil society, private sector representatives and global youth, answering Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s call for transparency and inclusiveness in its consultations.
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