The Project on Speech, Privacy, and Technology is part of the ACLU’s Center for Democracy, which works to strengthen democratic institutions and values and advocates for government transparency and accountability. In addition to the Project on Speech, Privacy, and Technology, the Center for Democracy includes the Human Rights Project and National Security Project.
The Brennan Fellowship was created to give people just starting their careers an opportunity to receive training and experience in First Amendment advocacy, and to help the ACLU advance its First Amendment goals. The Brennan Fellow will function as an integral part of the Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, and will focus on our extensive docket of First Amendment cases. The docket currently includes several major cases relating to free speech, privacy, and technology. For example, attorneys in the Project are litigating a novel and landmark First Amendment challenge to the constitutionality of patents granted on the human genes associated with breast and ovarian cancer. They have also filed suit on behalf of former chief Guantanamo prosecutor Morris Davis in a lawsuit against the Congressional Research Service, which fired Davis from his government job because of his public writings concerning the military commissions.
The Brennan Fellow's responsibilities will include, but will not be limited to, the following: participating in trial litigation at all levels of federal and state courts, including conducting legal and factual research, interviewing clients, drafting briefs and pleadings, and assisting in discovery and motion practice; assisting in drafting amicus curiae briefs; providing support for ACLU affiliate litigation; serving as a resource for ACLU legislative and policy work; and advancing ACLU policy goals through public education, organizing and participating in coalitions.
Compensation: Salary
Desired Class Level(s): 3LD, 4LE
Alumni: No
For details on how to apply, go to and log in with your student ID and your symplicity password. Once in the school’s online job database scroll your mouse over the top purple headings to Job Postings, then click on the first dropdown option, CSO JobNet. In Keywords search ACLU and this posting will appear. You can also call the CSO with any questions.