San Francisco, 8 November 2012 - Climate change threatens to undermine hard-won human development gains and the longer the world waits to act the more costly the damages and solutions will become, UN Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark said today.
Speaking at Stanford University in California, Helen Clark warned that without more coordinated global action to tackle climate change it will be increasingly hard to reduce poverty in all its dimensions and the costs of adaptation will also rise steeply everywhere.
“UNDP recognizes that the world’s 2.6 billion poorest people will be hardest hit by climate change and that its impacts could reverse decades of human development gains unless pre-emptive action is taken,” Miss Clark said.
“For the world to stay under the two degree Celsius increase in temperature, set as a threshold beyond which there is believed to be catastrophic and irreversible change to our climate, we all need to do much more, first to stabilise and then to reduce emissions radically,” she said.
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