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Two exciting developments can be reported: the launch of the Foundations of Modern Genetics project by the Wellcome Library, and a new accession of Maurice Wilkins material at King's College.

The soft launch of the new Wellcome Library site has taken place - the site includes an exciting new media player that allows users to view books and archive documents and zoom into details. Further developments and addition of new content is ongoing prior to the formal launch of the site in spring 2013. Visit the Wellcome site for more information:

Yesterday we took custody of a new accession of material from Maurice Wilkins' family, including books, some original notebooks predating his DNA studies, photographs of his social and political work, including CND and disarmament rallies, and some original equipment and artefacts and X-ray diffraction images dating from the early 1950s. The new accession is a reminder that much valuable material relating to the history of groundbreaking DNA and genetics research remains to be discovered and made available to researchers. We will keep you posted with more detail on the contents of the new accession as repackaging and listing takes place.