UNDP: Statement by the United Nations Development Programme, on post-2015 development framework to take shape in Senegal
Click here for this in full @: http://www.polity.org.za/article/undp-statement-by-the-united-nations-development-programme-on-post-2015-development-framework-to-take-shape-in-senegal-11122012-2012-12-11
Representatives from government, regional and international bodies, the private sector and civil society from across Africa are gathering today in Dakar to discuss top priorities to be included in the global development framework beyond 2015, which will be debated at the UN General Assembly in September 2013.
While efforts continue across Africa to achieve the time-bound Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), this two-day forum is part of unprecedented consultations to build a collective vision, to be endorsed by African Ministers and ratified by Heads of State at the African Union’s May 2013 Summit.