AidWatch capacity building workshops, Vienna, 23-25 February 2011

AidWatch members and other European NGOs met in Vienna from 23 to 25 February for two capacity building seminars – one on aid statistics analysis and one on advocacy with governments and EU Institutions. The aid statistics training on 23 February was kindly provided by Development Initiatives/aidinfo and included a general introduction on the creditor reporting system, the International Aid Transparency Initiative and aid flows to countries affected by conflict. The second seminar on advocacy was a follow-up to a seminar held in May 2010 in Paris on how to engage with Parliaments.

Please find below the presentations made during the seminars and some additional resources:

23 February:

General introduction on aid statistics and the creditor reporting system by Judith Randel (Development Initiatives)

Presentation by Victoria Room (aidinfo) on the International Aid Transparency Initiative

Presentation by Lydia Poole (Global Humanitarian Assistance) on aid flows to countries affected by conflict

Presentation by Mark Brough (Publish What You Fund) on the aid transparency tracker

24 February:

Presentation by Bernhard Drumel (Supporting Change) on advocacy

Presentation by Morten Emil Hansen (CONCORD Denmark) on advocacy

Presentation by Iacopo Viciani (ActionAid Italy) on aid and development effectiveness

25 February

Presentation by Romina Vegro (BOND) on the new EU institutional framework

Presentation by Michaela Ellmeier (Austrian MFA) on the new EU institutional framework

Presentation by Ola Bello (FRIDE) on think tanks in development

Presentation by Liz Steele (Publish What You Fund) on transparency

Additional materials:

Report by Global Humanitarian Assistance on resource flows to Afghanistan

Oxfam report on politicising aid in conflict and crisis

BetterAid position papers

AidWatch position paper on transparency

AidWatch briefing on ODA levels in 2011

Monitoring Climate Financing Architecture (Briefing Note by Development Initiatives)

BetterAid lobby letter for national platforms

Paticipation list, agendas and evaluation:

Participants list AidWatch capacity building seminars in Vienna, 23-25 February 2011

Agenda: Aid Quantity Analysis, 23 February 2011

Agenda: Advocacy towards European Governments and EU Institutions, 24-25 February 2011

Summary of the evaluation of the seminars by participants