OpenAid is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation registered with the German register for associations: Registergericht Hannover VR 201201. OpenAid has been recognised by the German finance authorities Finanzamt Burgdorf as a non-profit organisation. We are a group of individuals based in Hannover, Germany, collaborating with committed people and organisations inside Germany and abroad in online teams. OpenAid is member of the Tecnical advisory group (TAG) to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), theCIVICUS network of civil society organisations, of Mehr Demokratieand of VEN.
Starting point for OpenAid was the practice of development agencies to commission expensive evaluations to provide information for closed circles, information for better project management, control and accountability. We believe that opening up internal processes for the public eye can improve project management, control and accountability in a relatively cheap, locally relevant and more democratic way. Public scrutiny of aid can at times complement, at times substitute expert evaluations.
Since the beginning of 2011 our advocacy work supported financially by aidinfo (UK). All our other activities are currently done on a voluntary basis or on a contract basis in the case of presentations. To be able to continue our work in a sustainable form and to extend our activities we are currently looking for funding.
Our bylaws in German are attached below