Weten wie je bent en wat je wordt: Ethiek in het hoger beroepsonderwijs

Masterclass Ruud Welten 14 november van 18.00 – 21.00 u. in het Harry Bannink Theater van Saxion Enschede (HB10)
Weten wie je bent en wat je wordt: Ethiek in het hoger beroepsonderwijs
Dr Ruud Welten is Lector Ethiek bij Saxion. Tevens is hij als filosoof verbonden aan de Universiteit van Tilburg. Hij zal een lezing houden over ethiek in het hoger beroepsonderwijs. De avond zal verder door de studenten en docenten van het LA&S HP worden verzorgd en begeleid. Door de vele schandalen en excessen van de laatste jaren klinkt de roep om een ethiek in bedrijven en bij overheden steeds luider. 'Meer controle! Betere wetgeving!' Maar ethiek, zo verdedigt Ruud Welten, is geen zaak voor vastgelegde wetten noch van certificeerbare 'meetbare targets', of van audits of externe controle, maar van professionaliteit en vakmanschap. Ethiek betekent weten waar je voor staat en weten wat jouw bijdrage aan de samenleving is. En dat vraagt om vorming. Hierin ligt de komende jaren een kerntaak voor het hoger beroepsonderwijs. En dat roept weer de vraag op of en hoe je ethiek kunt leren, een vraag, waar de filosoof Aristoteles zich 2300 jaar geleden al over boog.
Alle belangstellenden en genodigden, i.h.b. ook de studenten en medewerkers van andere HP’s, zijn van harte welkom.
Het is i.v.m. een goede organisatie van de avond wel noodzakelijk zich vóór 13 november aan te melden per email aan j.devlaming@saxion.nl onder vermelding van uw naam, academie / betrekking tot het LA&S HP en Masterclass Ruud Welten.

Notes on Democracy: Not A Gift From Above

During the election season, when enormous amounts of our community's energy, time and resources are devoted to getting politicians elected to office, it is important to remember that democracy is much, much, much broader than simply filling in a series of bubbles on paper every few years (or working to have a particular bubble filled in).

Democracy is judged by the degree to which everyday people are involved in the formation of public policy - rather than having fundamental decisions that affect all of us being made by a small, insulated circle of private interests (what is commonly referred to as "autocracy"). Democracy functions to the extent that people have free access to information and opinions as well as the opportunity to take meaningful action to shape the world and their own affairs. If real progressive changes are to be made in our society, then those changes will have to be fought for. And to fight and win those changes, we will need a broad, participatory movement. Socially created problems like poverty, limited food access or housing or transportation or healthcare or higher education, and global climate change have social solutions - that is why democracy is at the heart of all struggles for progressive change.

If everyday people are to be seriously involved in participating collectively in important decisions that affect them, then the people must be engaged in democratic practices every day. We must work to develop a deep democratic culture and popular democratic institutions. To a great extent, this culture and these institutions will grow outside of the narrow confines we commonly referred to as "politics".

In today's culture, to say something is "politics" is to say that is one of a set of decisions and choices which are typically treated as being in the "public" sphere - and are therefore open to debate, challenge and change. Other areas of life, no less important and deep, are seen as private and "not-political," like what happens in the workplace and in the classroom. This convenient dichotomy keeps us from fighting to expand democracy in all areas of our lives and our communities - and to keep the balance of power decidedly shifted towards the wealthy and wicked.

Democracy will not come as a result of elections. Democracy is not the product of ballots. It will not be given or created by partisan electoral campaigns. Democracy can however be eked out by everyday people as they continue to work together in the fight for a better world. To fight and win real progressive change, we must work to develop a real democracy - a democracy that allows everyone to participate meaningfully in decisions that affect them in all the areas of their lives.

Is United Nations becoming a operation arm of BRICS ? (Brazil, India and China)

Click here for full read @ Whale Cottage:  http://www.whalecottage.com/blog/tag/united-nations-procurement-programme/


More than 1000 jobs were created in the same period.  The dominant export markets for the Western Cape remain the UK, France and Germany, but the West Africa Trade Corridor is gaining importance, in particular Nigeria, Angola, Cameroon, and Côte d’Ivoire.

Angola has taken over from Mozambique as the province’s largest trade partner in Africa, said Nils Flaatten, Wesgro CEO.

Brazil, India and China, all BRICS countries, are important for partnerships to promote the economy of the Western Cape.

The United Nations Procurement Programme, incorporating our province as one of only three developing areas, is a bonus for the Western Cape.

Click here for full read @ Whale Cottage:  http://www.whalecottage.com/blog/tag/united-nations-procurement-programme/

UNDP's turning into "Walls Street" ? All staffers excited about trading in carbon certificates...following the money$$ leads to Paribas BNP Fortis Bank !

UNDP/MDG Carbon Facility

General Information

The MDG Carbon Facility is a UNDP initiative to leverage the considerable resources of the carbon markets to finance in-country sustainable development projects. UNDP anticipates developing a pipeline of approximately 36 Projects in order to generate the 15 million credit volume. The final number of Projects may vary, depending on their actual size.

Projects have not yet been selected, but rather will be identified on an ongoing basis over the two year project sourcing phase. For illustrative purposes, a typical project may have the following characteristics: The project may belong to a private sector entity, for example a private utility, or a public sector entity, for example a municipality.

The entity which has ownership to the Project’s credits is given the term project proponent (the “Project Proponent”); projects may utilize a broad variety of technologies. Example technologies include renewable energies, energy efficiency, capture of methane, etc; projects may contribute directly to the MDGs, for instance through employment or health benefits, or indirectly through associated programs, where carbon finance proceeds are reinvested into the MDGs; projects result in significant investment flows into the country.

Implementation Period:

  • From: 01 June 2008
  • To: 01 June 2011

Participating Entity(-ies):

  • UN Development Programme (UNDP)

Non-UN Partner(s):

  • Fortis Bank

Region(s) Covered:

  • Global/World


Focus Area(s):

  • Mitigation
  • Financing
  • Capacity Building

Does UNDP assistance in Cyprus makes sense? Academics from UK say : " NO" !

Academics question point of EU funding for peace

Click here for this in full @ Cyprus Mail:  http://www.cyprus-mail.com/features/academics-question-point-eu-funding-peace/20121028

Most Cypriots have crossed the buffer zone no more than once or twice if at all
IN THE midst of the financial squeeze, is the EU getting its money’s worth for the host of Cyprus reconciliation and development programmes it is funding?

The findings of a project titled ‘Reconciliation and Peace Economics in Cyprus’, funded by EuropeAid,  would suggest not.

The project’s aim was to promote “a conducive environment for the further development of trust, dialogue, cooperation and closer relationship between the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities...”

But “From the start of the project, it was apparent that there was little hope for a settlement and the project concluded as the UN-sponsored talks again failed,” concluded British-based academics, Dr Kate Flynn and Dr Tony King.

They had been contracted by the EU’s EuropeAid organisation to run a two-year project exploring “reconciliation and peace economics” on Cyprus.

After extensive study, the researchers found that given fundamental disagreements between the two communities on the root cause of the Cyprus problem, it is “highly problematic from the outset to effectively apply reconciliation initiatives”.

Their findings were out-and-out depressing. Some highlights: “The two communities do not agree on what the Cyprus problem is and there is little agreement about arrangements for a post-solution state.  There is marked reluctance to recognise the other side, as well as interact even with the checkpoints open. Most Cypriots do not cross the Green Line or have only done so once or twice, so bi-communal contact is limited to a small percentage of the population. There is notable societal mistrust both within as well as between communities. There is suspicion about political leadership and the direction of the talks.”

No doubt the report stands out for it no-nonsense take on efforts to bring the two communities closer in a bid to help reunification efforts.

Click here for this in full @ Cyprus Mail:  http://www.cyprus-mail.com/features/academics-question-point-eu-funding-peace/20121028

Does Helen Clark report the gifts she collects during her official visits as UNDP Administrator?

Helen Clark visits Malawi, October 24-27 2012

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark meets H.E. Joyce Hilda Mtila Banda, President of Malawi.

Trust Fund Critical to UNMIL’s Exit, UNDP Boss Declares

Click here for this in full @ Liberian Observer: http://www.liberianobserver.com/index.php/news/item/2962-trust-fund-critical-to-unmil%E2%80%99s-exit-undp-boss-declares

l-r) Mr. Dominic Sam, and Ms. Gisela Strand signing SIDA’s additional funding to the JSTF
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP’s) Country Director, Mr. Dominic Sam, has described the Justice and Security Trust Fund (JSTF) for Liberia as critical to the transition of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). 

Mr. Sam said, “The JSTF provides complementarity to the funding that is already coming from the Peace Building Fund from which Liberia benefits, and that is why we are placing emphasis on it.”
Mr. Sam spoke Thursday at UNDP’s office in Mamba Point, Monrovia, during the signing of an amendment to Sweden’s contribution to the Justice and Security Trust Fund.

He added that the trust fund has helped the UNDP and its partners to give a “better platform” with a focus on the acceleration of progress in the justice and security sectors of Liberia.
“The JSTF became operational since 2011, and it is critical in Liberia, as we discuss the departure of the UN peacekeeping mission,” the UNDP-Liberia boss said.

Moreover, he noted that they are also focused intervening in the areas of good governance and the sustained stabilization of Liberia. UNDP thanked Sweden for its continued contribution to the JSTF.

UNDP, AfDB pledge stronger partnerships

Click here for this in full @ New Times: http://www.newtimes.co.rw/news/index.php?i=15157&a=59991

Lamin M. Manneh, the new UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Country Representative, hands over his credentials to President Kagame at Village Urugwiro yesterday. The New Times / T. Kisambira.
The country representatives of the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), have pledged stronger and more effective partnerships with Rwanda as the country accelerates its development.

The UNDP Country Representative, Lamin M. Manneh, who doubles as the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Negatu Makonnen the African Development Bank (AfDB) Resident  Representative and the IKEA Foundation Chief Executive Officer, Per Heggenes made the pledge, yesterday, during a meeting with President Paul Kagame at Village Urugwiro, yesterday.

IKEA, a leading Swedish conglomerate, works closely with the UN family.

“Rwanda is a country where everybody wants to be now; it’s making a lot of progress under the dynamic leadership of President Kagame and it’s a beautiful country. We are all impressed by the immense progress this country has made taking into account where it came from 18 years ago,” Manneh said...

Click here for this in full @ New Times: http://www.newtimes.co.rw/news/index.php?i=15157&a=59991

'Boycott them!' UN rapporteur slams companies aiding Israeli settlements

Click here for this in full @ RT.COM: http://rt.com/news/un-boycott-us-companies-israel-299/

The illegal Ulpana outpost, adjacent to the Beit El Jewish settlement. (AFP Photo / Gali Tibbon)

The illegal Ulpana outpost, adjacent to the Beit El Jewish settlement. (AFP Photo / Gali Tibbon)

A special rapporteur for the UN’s Human Rights Council has called for a boycott on all companies involved with Israeli settlements until they adhere to international rights standards. Israel and the US have condemned the move.

In a report presented to the UN General Assembly, American professor Richard Falk said that many US, European and Mexican companies appeared to be violating international human rights and humanitarian laws. The companies are allegedly exploiting Palestinian resources, helping Israel construct illegal settlements and providing security for settlers.

Falk said the call for a boycott is an effort to take infractions of international law seriously. He said the pace of Israeli settlement building has accelerated and that Israel has ignored UN resolutions condemning the practice, so “there is a sense that what the UN says doesn't count.”

Although Falk admitted that further investigations were necessary to determine severity of the violations, the US and Israel were quick to condemn the report, accusing the UN special rapporteur of bias against Israel and calling for his removal.

Click here for this in full @ RT.COM: http://rt.com/news/un-boycott-us-companies-israel-299/


Procurement Process :RFQ - Request for quotation
Office :Office of Information Systems & Technology - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Deadline :08-Nov-12
Posted on :25-Oct-12
Reference Number :10053
Documents :
RFQ - Terms of Reference
Serial Numbers to equipment
Overview :
Dear Sir / Madam:
The UNDP Office of Information Systems and Technology (UNDP/OIST) is requesting quotations for the Equipment Support for its Tape Library SL8500 in the Datacenter as per below table. Support will be required from 9am to 5pm, Monday – Friday (8x5). When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached in the RFQ. 
-                   Equipment
Coverage Need
Start Date of Support
End Date of Support
 Sun Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) up to 1500 slots –Cartridge Slot perpetual
1 January 2013
30 June 2014
 X2100 M2: 1210 1x512 no HDD
1 January 2013
30 June 2014
 LTO4 HP FC 4 Gb SL8500 Drives
1 January 2013
30 June 2014
 39 Cartridge CAP
1 January 2013
30 June 2014
 4 HandBots
1 January 2013
30 June 2014
 SDLT320 Drive
1 January 2013
30 June 2014
Quotations may be submitted on or before Thursday, 8 November 2012, 5:00 PM New York Time via e-mail to the address below:
                  CPU.Bids@undp.org and cc: Shadi.Hussein@undp.org
Email Reference : RFQ / OIST/2012/014 – RFQ for Equipment Support for Tape Library
The requirements are provided in the Terms of Reference, Annex I.

Development of an M&E Training Module for Strategic Planners

Procurement Process :RFP - Request for proposal
Office :UN Development Operations Coordination Office - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Deadline :09-Nov-12
Posted on :25-Oct-12
Reference Number :10058
Documents :
RFP Documentation
Proposal Submission Template
Overview : To develop and deliver a 2-day intensive training on Monitoring and Evaluation specifically tailored for UN Strategic Planners operating in crisis and post-crisis countries

Contratar la construcción de una planta de transformación de arroz en la vereda La Victoria en el Municipio de Olaya Herrera departamento de Nariño

Procurement Process :ITB - Invitation to bid
Office :UNDP Country - COLOMBIA
Deadline :06-Nov-12
Posted on :26-Oct-12
Reference Number :9850
Documents :
formato datos oferente
anexo 1
anexo 2
anexo 3
anexo 4
anexo 5
Overview : INVITACION A LICITAR No.: 12485 PROYECTO PNUD/ COL/00073001 "PROGRAMA CONJUNTO VENTANA DE PAZ” El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo – PNUD, invita a interesados elegibles a presentar oferta para el proceso licitatorio cuyos datos se suministran a continuación: OBJETO: Contratar la construcción de una planta de transformación de arroz en la vereda La Victoria en el Municipio de Olaya Herrera departamento de Nariño. LICITANTES ELEGIBLES Podrán participar las personas jurídicas, nacionales o extranjeras, o cualquier combinación de ellas en forma de asociación, que estén legalmente constituidas o representadas en el país, y que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en el documento de Invitación a Licitar. CONSULTA Y ENTREGA DEL DOCUMENTO DE INVITACION A LICITAR. Los interesados podrán adquirir sin ningún costo los documentos en la página del PNUD http://licitaciones.pnud.org.co/ ó en las oficinas del PNUD ubicadas en la Avenida 82 No. 10-62, Piso 3, Bogotá - Colombia, desde el 1 de octubre hasta el 01 de noviembre de 2012 de 9:00 a las 12:00 horas y de las 14:00 a las 16:00 horas (hora colombiana (GMT-5)). VISITA Se realizará una VISITA en el lugar donde se realizaran las obras el día 4 de Octubre de 2012 a partir de las 10:00 AM hora Colombiana (GMT-5) AUDIENCIA DE ACLARACIONES Se realizará una AUDIENCIA DE ACLARACIONES en la ciudad de Pasto en la dirección indicada en el Documento de Invitación a Licitar, el día 11 de octubre de 2012 a las 2:00 PM hora Colombiana (GMT-5) SOLICITUD DE ACLARACIONES Los interesados podrán solicitar por escrito al PNUD aclaraciones sobre cualquiera de los aspectos del Documento de Invitación a Licitar del 30 de septiembre al 12 de octubre de 2012, al Fax: (57 - 1) 488 9010 Cód. 216 o al e-mail: Licitaciones.col3@undp.org ENTREGA DE OFERTA y APERTURA DE LAS OFERTAS Las ofertas deben ser entregadas en la Avenida 82 N° 10-62 piso 3 oficina de registro, a más tardar a las 11:00 AM hora colombiana (GMT-5), del día 2 de Noviembre de 2012. Las ofertas serán abiertas en presencia de los Representantes de los Licitantes que decidan asistir, a las 11:15 AM hora colombiana (GMT-5), del día 2 de Noviembre de 2012.

LTA for Travel Services for the UN System in Liberia

Procurement Process :RFP - Request for proposal
Office :Liberia - LIBERIA
Deadline :12-Nov-12
Posted on :22-Oct-12
Development Area :OTHER
Reference Number :10004
Documents :
LTA for Travel Services for the UN System in Liberia
Overview :
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hereby invites you to submit a Techncial and Financial Proposals to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for establishing Long Term Agreement (LTA) for Travel Services for the UN System in Liberia

United Nations' Head of FAO blames U.S. for food scarcity in the world

Click here to read this in full @ Business Day Live: http://www.bdlive.co.za/opinion/columnists/2012/10/26/the-worlds-debt-for-food-scandal

Another American factor is energy legislation that requires that nearly half this year’s maize output be devoted to producing ethanol for fuel. Six state governors have formally petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency administrator to implement a full, one-year suspension of the ethanol mandate. The FAO has already pressed the US to suspend its production of biofuel ethanol. Its director-general, Jose Graziano da Silva, says the worst drought in 50 years "is inflicting huge damage on the US maize crop, with serious consequences for the overall international food supply".

Tips on How to Land a Career in Public Interest from Attorney Sabel

CLSR: Law Matters Housing and Foreclosure Speaker 

Left to right: Attorney Robert Sabel, Professor Monica Teixeira de Sousa, Professor David Siegel

Director of Litigation for Rhode Island Legal Services, Attorney Robert Sabel shared his experience, joys and frustrations with the current state of legal services at the Law Matters Lunchtime Chat on October 24th at the CLSR.  For law students hoping to land jobs in the legal services sector, Attorney Sabel’s thoughtful and frank advice was invaluable.  He emphasized the increasing importance of technology and foreign language proficiency and suggested that students and recent grads learn Spanish in order to make themselves more marketable candidates.

When asked how he has managed to stay committed to legal services for his entire 36 year career, Attorney Sabel responded that he strives to keep variety in the work that he does.  He stressed the value of being on the board of directors for a non-profit housing organization in addition to his regular caseload as a way to “keep from feeling that I am just shoveling sand against the tide.”

For coursework, Attorney Sabel suggested students focus on the core classes, especially Constitutional Law and Administrative Law.  After listening to his accomplishments, I would also recommend Business Organizations and Negotiation as key courses to build a career in public interest.

Professors speaking after the event

In summing up his experience, Attorney Sabel exclaimed, “the beauty of being a legal services attorney is that you’re always on the right side of the case!” Thank you, Attorney Sabel, for visiting our center.

US Ambassador Torsella goes after UN Salaries - argues with Ian Richards on twitter

Hi , can tell you exactly DC/NY differential: 3.6% per OPM. Should I fwd you an application? You’ll only take a 27% or so pay cut!
Hi , will I get the same housing allowance as US foreign service officers? If yes, my application's in the mail.


3/3 put out corrected report. But removing data in a report doesn't make it go away. UN salaries are just too high and must be frozen. 

what's the cost of living differential between DC and NY? What about US civil service bonus for senior staff?

2/3 Last report said NY staff made a whopping 29% more than US staff in DC. This year the gap is now 31% -schmoblemaire
1/3 : Under the Noblemaire principle, the scales staff salaries to that of the highest-paying national civil service, i.e. the US.

United States rejects the latest report by Mr. Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories

Click here to read this @ US Mission to the UN: http://usun.state.gov/briefing/statements/199727.htm

Statement on Richard Falk
Susan E. Rice
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
U.S. Mission to the United Nations
New York, NY
October 25, 2012

The United States rejects the latest report by Mr. Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories. His call for a boycott of private companies is irresponsible and unacceptable.

Throughout his tenure as Special Rapporteur, Mr. Falk has been highly biased and made offensive statements, including outrageous comments on the 9/11 attacks.

Mr. Falk’s recommendations do nothing to further a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and indeed poison the environment for peace. His continued service in the role of a UN Special Rapporteur is deeply regrettable and only damages the credibility of the UN.

Mandeep Dhaliwal, UNDP's leader for Aids/HIV attacks Obama's National Strategy on HIV (she calls it a depressive strategy) from min 4:16

You want to be a prostitute - - New Zealand is the place to be ! That's what UNDP's Mandeep Dhaliwal says !

Click here to read this in full at New Zealand Herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10842882

File photo / APN
File photo / APN 
A United Nations development program director says New Zealand is the ideal country to work as a prostitute.

UNDP director of HIV, health and development practice Mandeep Dhaliwal praised New Zealand's progressive prostitution laws as promoting safety and slowing the spread of HIV.

The call came alongside a new UN report that compared New Zealand to Asian and Pacific nations and recommended that they also decriminalise prostitution.

The report - Sex Work and the Law - found there was no evidence that criminalising prostitution had prevented the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

New South Wales was the only other territory in the region that had decriminalised sex work and the report noted both areas had "extremely low or nonexistent" transmission of sexual diseases among prostitutes.

Click here to read this in full at New Zealand Herald: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10842882

UN Seeking Global Internet Surveillance for Terror, Propaganda

Click here to read this in full at The New American: http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/computers/item/13335-un-seeking-global-internet-surveillance-for-terror-propaganda

The United Nations and a broad coalition of its totalitarian-minded member governments are increasingly demanding that a global regulatory regime be imposed over the Internet, with supposed concerns about “terrorism” becoming just the most recent argument advanced to support the controversial scheme. In a massive report released this week, the UN claimed a planetary agreement on surveillance, data retention, and more would be needed for “terror” purposes.

Click here to read this in full at The New American: http://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/computers/item/13335-un-seeking-global-internet-surveillance-for-terror-propaganda

How much does United Nations' Ban Ki-moon hate Africa? A lot ! He lobbied behind the scenes that the newest Global Green Fund be located in his native South Korea !

Click here to read this in full at allAfrica.com: http://allafrica.com/stories/201210240554.html

NAMIBIA has lost to South Korea in the bidding to host the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Windhoek.
The 24-member board of the GCF on Saturday selected the South Korean port city of Incheon to house the secretariat.

Environment and Tourism Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said earlier that Namibia deserved to host the secretariat because the country had demonstrated strong leadership and acted as a role model for other developing countries in the area of climate change and environmental management.
Namibia submitted its expression of interest to an interim GCF secretariat on February 15, and its candidature to host the fund was endorsed by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as well as the African Union (AU)...

Click here to read this in full at allAfrica.com: http://allafrica.com/stories/201210240554.html

The United Nations is responsible for killing thousands in Haiti's cholera scandal

Click here to read this in full at BBC News: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-20024400

New evidence has emerged about the alleged role of United Nations troops in causing a cholera epidemic in the Caribbean nation of Haiti. 

A top US cholera specialist, Dr Daniele Lantagne, said after studying new scientific data that it is now "most likely" the source of the outbreak was a camp for recently-arrived UN soldiers from Nepal - a country where cholera is widespread.

Dr Lantagne was employed by the UN itself in 2011 as one of the world's pre-eminent experts on the disease.

The new evidence could have serious implications for the UN, which is facing an unprecedented legal and moral challenge in Haiti - as well as a multi-billion dollar compensation claim from victims' families.

More than 7,500 people have died from the cholera epidemic in Haiti since it started in late 2010. Hundreds of new cases are still being registered every week.

Click here to read this in full at BBC News: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-20024400

James Gustave Speth: "America the possible: Manifesto for a new economy"

Purchase it on Amazon.com (click here)

In this third volume of his award-winning American Crisis series, James Gustave Speth makes his boldest and most ambitious contribution yet. He looks unsparingly at the sea of troubles in which the United States now finds itself, charts a course through the discouragement and despair commonly felt today, and envisions what he calls America the Possible, an attractive and plausible future that we can still realize.

The book identifies a dozen features of the American political economy—the country's basic operating system—where transformative change is essential. It spells out the specific changes that are needed to move toward a new political economy—one in which the true priority is to sustain people and planet. Supported by a compelling "theory of change" that explains how system change can come to America, the book also presents a vision of political, social, and economic life in a renewed America. Speth envisions a future that will be well worth fighting for. In short, this is a book about the American future and the strong possibility that we yet have it in ourselves to use our freedom and our democracy in powerful ways to create something fine, a reborn America, for our children and grandchildren.

Ban Ki-moon free time hobby: "Sesame Street"

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and Kami

Kami, a muppet from Takalani Sesame (South Africa's Sesame Street), who is openly living with HIV, joined the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in promoting children’s health. During a public service announcement Kami and Mr Ban talk about what they do to stay healthy including washing their hands before they eat, drinking plenty of clean water and exercising.
The video was produced by the Sesame Workshop, the non-profit organization behind Sesame Street around the world, as part of its commitment to the United Nations Secretary-General’s Every Woman Every Child movement to mobilize and intensify global action to improve the health of women and children around the world.

Read more here: http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2012/october/20121023kamiban/

UNDP spokeswoman says: - "the world should not criminalize prostitution"

Read full story on Washngton Times: U.N. report calls for decriminalizing prostitution - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/oct/24/un-report-calls-decriminalizing-prostitution/#ixzz2AEoSYPtk

“Nearly all countries of Asia and the Pacific criminalize some aspects of sex work, … [but] criminalization increases vulnerability to HIV,” said Cherie Hart, a spokeswoman for the U.N. Development Program (UNDP), describing the dangers of contracting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

The report called for the decriminalization of prostitution because it found “no evidence from countries of Asia and the Pacific” that outlawing the sex trade has prevented HIV epidemics among sex workers and their clients.

The report also called for euphemisms.

“The terms ‘prostitution’ and ‘prostitute’ have negative connotations and are considered by advocates of sex workers to be stigmatizing,” said the 210-page report, authored by Australian human rights lawyer John Godwin.

“The term ‘sex work’ is preferred,” said the report, issued by the UNDP, the U.N. Population Fund, the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and several nongovernmental organizations across Asia.

In Nigeria, UNDP becomes part of the problem: - starts training political parties. (handpicks only few of them)


The All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have agreed on a proposal to collaborate in the training of officers of the party nationwide.
This agreement was reached during the Needs Assessment Visit of the UNDP delegation to the party’s National Headquarters in Abuja Tuesday.

The National Chairman, Dr Ogbonnaya Onu, invited the UNDP team to come and partner with the leadership in the implementation of capacity-building Programme meant to strengthen the party.
‘‘We are happy that the UNDP has visited us, and we want you to work with us on capacity building and also in the area of information dissemination. We have processes and plans that help to deepen our internal democracy system and grow the capacity of our members and leaders.

“We will train our leaders at the state levels and then at the ward levels. We also develop positions that will help advance democracy in the country. We have plans to invite experts to lecture sessions; that is, Nigerians who are doing well outside the nation will be brought in to share their expertise with us in areas of health, agriculture, industry among others.

Onu said in order to prepare for the current move by the Federal Government to include diaspora voting in 2015 general elections, the (ANPP), is opening special branches overseas, as it also computerises its membership database and general operations.

UNJustice: The Italian UN intern will go on one day-long fast over the delay in settling his case

  Click here for this on UN Justice.org: http://unjustice.org/news118.htm


UNAT ruling: a reminder of the UN Legal Counsel’s undertaking to the Italian intern, but the case is still unsettled


24 October 2012
In a letter to the UN Administration dated 23 October, Dr. di Giacomo, the Italian former UN intern, has announced that he will go on a day-long hunger strike to express his despair over the excessive delays in resolving his case

“With all due respect, I don’t understand why it has taken so long to go through all the internal dispute procedures of the Organisation. The dispute started in 2006 and now, in 2012, I am still waiting to settle a problem that could have been resolved in 2008, or two years after the end of my internship,” he wrote.

“From my side, I have contacted practically all the authorities concerned and I have been waiting now for over four years. The delays and the uncertainty of not knowing what kind of «appropriate mode of settlement» I will be effectively offered have had dire consequences on my personal, family and professional life. This limbo situation has jeopardized everything I have worked hard and passionately for, putting me in a position that is no longer sustainable. I began my career as an intern at the Embassy of France in Brunei Darussalam, and continued my training at the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN, the New York Liaison Office of the World Health Organization, the Delegation of the European Union to the UN and at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. If I mention these posts, it is only to show that, as a trainee diplomat and young good governance expert, a solution to this matter is not a luxury for me, but a basic means to live a life of purpose, empowering me to remain in my profession and to enjoy its moral and material fruits. Simply to underline the immediate need I have for concrete action to settle my case, I have decided that I shall personally begin a 24-hour fast on Saturday 27 October,” he added. 

Last month the United Nations Appeals Tribunal released its ruling on this case (UNAT/2012/249). Although the court dismissed the appeal exclusively on the basis of its lack of jurisdiction because Dr. di Giacomo has never been a UN staff member, the court did not forget to mention a point which constitutes the crux of this matter  – namely, that since 18 June 2008 the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Legal Affairs and Legal Counsel has promised to find an appropriate solution to this matter. This is expressed in a letter to the Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations because, as then acknowledged by the Legal Counsel, “Under Article VIII, Section 29 (b) of the General Convention «[t]he  United Nations shall make provisions for appropriate modes of settlement of […] disputes involving any official of the United Nations who by reason of his official capacity enjoys immunity, if immunity has not been waived by the Secretary-General”. 

Last year, during case proceedings before the United Nations Dispute Tribunal, Judge Ebrahim-Carstens underlined the UN’s commitment to Dr. di Giacomo, by saying:

“The Tribunal notes that by letter of 18 June 2008, sent by the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs to the Permanent Representative of the Applicant’s country to the United Nations, the Organization appears to have made an undertaking to provide the Applicant with an «appropriate mode of settlement» of his dispute. However, due  to  the  existing jurisdictional  limitations,  the  Tribunal  is  not competent  to  consider  this  application,  which  stands  to  be  dismissed  without consideration of its merits.” (para. 41. di Giacomo UNDT-2011-168)
Furthermore, in view of the importance of the human rights implications of the question involved, Judge Ebrahim-Carstens went on, considering that:
“Where rights and obligations attach, there must be an effective mechanism for resolution of disputes  and  for  reparation  of breached  rights  through  appropriate remedies  (see  Gabaldon  2011-UNAT-120  and  Bertucci  2011-UNAT-121,  referring to  "the  right  to  an  effective  remedy").  The Tribunal  notes,  in  this  regard,  the Universal  Declaration  of Human Rights,  which refers  to  "the  right  to  an  effective remedy"  and states  that  "[ e ]veryone  is  entitled in full  equality  to  a fair  and  public hearing by  an independent and impartial Tribunal,  in the  determination of his rights and  obligations  ... "  (see  arts.  8 and 10),  as  well  as  the  International  Covenant  on Civil  and  Political  Rights  (1966),  which refers  to  access  to  "an  effective  remedy" (art.2.3(a)),  encourages  the  development  of "the  possibilities  of judicial  remedy" (art. 2.3(b)), and provides that "[i]n the determination ...  of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law" (art.  14.1). The General  Assembly,  in  para.  9 of resolution 64/233  (Administration of justice  at  the  United  Nations),  dated  22  December  2009,  requested  the  Secretary-General,  with  respect  to  remedies  available  to  different  categories  of  non-staff personnel,  to  analyse  and  compare  the  advantages  and  disadvantages  of several options, including granting non-staff personnel access to the Dispute Tribunal and the Appeals Tribunal. On 16 September 2010, the Secretary-General provided a report to the General Assembly  on  the  Administration  of justice  at  the  United  Nations, discussing recourse mechanisms for non-staff personnel (see AJ65/3 73, Report of the Secretary-General  entitled "Administration  of  justice  at  the  United  Nations", paras.  165-191).
The Tribunal  notes,  however,  that  AJ65/373  focuses,  in  large  part,  on consultants  and  individual  contractors,' and  not  interns.  Although Annex  IV  to AJ65/373,  entitled  "Contracts  and rules  governing relationships  between the United Nations  and  the  various  categories  of non-staff personnel",  contains  examples  of contractual  clauses regulating settlement of disputes,  the  examples  provided  are  for consultancy  and  individual  contractor  agreements,  and  not  internship  agreements. The standard conditions regulating internships, set out in the Annex to ST/AII2000/9, do  not  include  any  dispute  resolution  provisions,  and  it  is  unclear  to  the  Tribunal whether the current legal framework in the Organization contains an effective dispute resolution mechanism for interns. No doubt,  proper attention should be  given to this issue.” (para. 46. 47. 48. di Giacomo UNDT-2011-168) 
These concerns have also attracted the interest of officials of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and been backed by the Director of the UN Ethics Office, who advised Dr. di Giacomo that “OLA [The United Nations Office of Legal Affairs] would be the appropriate entity to whom you should address this matter to explore alternatives for a solution. The Ethics Office does not have the authority to agree to, or participate in, arbitration or any other type of settlement.” 

The promise made to Dr. di Giacomo, and the wording of the legal provisions contained in the letter by the Legal Counsel, make it incomprehensible that the Organization has not taken clear steps to settle this dispute.
From the point of view of international law, this case is different from other disputes involving both staff and non-staff UN personnel, because, as long as the Organization doesn’t provide a solution to Dr. di Giacomo, the UN would be in breach of its international obligations under the General Convention. 

The right to obtain redress at the United Nations depends upon the internal rules of the Organization, but these rules cannot be confused with the duty of the Organization to comply with the international obligations under the treaties to which the Organization is party.

In this area, the General Convention has laid the foundation for the establishment of a regime “for appropriate modes of settlement of disputes” involving the United Nations. However, the case of Dr. di Giacomo is a glaring example of how continued delays to address and resolve instances of non-compliance with the requirements of the General Convention directly undermine the credibility of the General Convention to provide for effective access to justice and redress mechanisms, which is a human right in itself guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights.

“This case is frustrating as long as the issue of the binding effect of Art. VIII, Section 29 (b) of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations is not addressed”, Jean-Louis de Baillenx, researcher in international law at the University Paris-2 (Panthéon-Assas), told UNJustice, commenting on the issue of the compatibility between the Organization’s immunity and the delays in providing for an effective mode of settling this dispute. 

A few months ago, in July, Eric Bramwell, a UN official, repeatedly contacted Dr. di Giacomo and reassured him that there the will on the part of the Administration to resolve this situation. Even if nothing has materialized as yet, this is a welcome development, as it is a clear indication that the Organization is considering ways to carry out the 2008 UN Legal Counsel’s commitment. 

While an exact time-frame has not as yet been determined, UNJustice will continue to advocate a quick and fair settlement of this matter and one that avoids methods of protest on legitimate expectations that may place a human life at risk.  

Assistance to Myanmar: inter-agency coordination ongoing

Click here for more on UNCTAD: http://unctad.org/en/pages/newsdetails.aspx?OriginalVersionID=332&Sitemap_x0020_Taxonomy=UNCTAD%20Home;

UNCTAD has held a meeting of the United Nations Inter-Agency Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity with the Permanent Mission of Myanmar in Geneva. Participating in the meeting were representatives of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the International Trade Centre, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and the United Nations Office for Project Services.

Not everything UNDP does is bad or corrupt / UNV Kosovo promotes Kulla Mazrekaj in Drenoc / Drenovac and Green Pages

UNDP's Community of Practice on Womens Political Participation in Asia-Pacific ...

Opening remarks by Winnie Byanyima, Director of UNDP's Gender Team for the Community of Practice on Women's Political Participation in Asia-Pacific (October 2012).

Ban Ki-moon tells american youth to "look beyond america and serve the world" (Translation: forget about building a stronger america)

Click here for this in full @ Indy Star: http://www.indystar.com/article/D2/20121020/NEWS02/310200042/U-N-secretary-general-urges-students-look-beyond-U-S-?odyssey=nav|head&nclick_check=1

Ban Ki-moon is the first sitting secretary-general of the United Nations to visit Iowa.
Ban Ki-moon is the first sitting secretary-general of the United Nations to visit Iowa. / BILL NEIBERGALL/THE REGISTER

Young Americans should look beyond the United States to become citizens of the world, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told 500 Drake University students Friday morning.
“My message to you: See the world, serve the world, be a global citizen and shape the world we want,” Ban said in a presentation on international affairs.
Ban is the first sitting secretary-general of the United Nations to visit Iowa, he said. He came to Des Moines to address World Food Prize attendees Thursday night.
In the audience in Old Main’s Sheslow Auditorium were Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa and U.S. Ambassador-at-Large Stephen Rapp, another Iowan.

UNDP's failure to raise it's voice in support to those killed in Syria and other Arab Countries - leaves many asking "WHO CONTROLS REGIONAL BUREAU FOR ARAB STATES"?

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UNDP's dear leader takes a new picture

UNDP Office of Helen Clark

Helen Clark is the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and her office is directly in front of the UN Headquarters.
Photo: Hansine Korslien/NorwayUN.

Click here for this on Flickr account of Norway/UN:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/norwayun/8103144229/

UNDP addressing biodiversity by spending millions $$$ for "Dalmatian pelicans". Is this the way you want your taxpayers dollars spent by United Nations?

Click here to read this in full @ Environment News Service: http://ens-newswire.com/2012/10/18/un-strategizes-to-fund-biodiversity-recovery-in-100-countries/

HYDERABAD, India, October 18, 2012 (ENS) – Delegates from 170 governments meeting in Hyderabad today adopted a new environmental strategy to address the unprecedented levels of biodiversity loss throughout the world.
Proposed by the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, the strategy is focused on raising the funding to restore species and ecosystems in 100 countries by 2020.

Dalmatian pelicans
A Romanian law for protection and management of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve passed in 2011 protects these Dalmatian pelicans. (Photo by Daniel Petrescu courtesy BirdLife International)

As the threats to biodiversity mount, the need for financial resources has become more urgent. With these investments, the UNDP will work with governments to conserve up to 1.4 billion hectares of land and bodies of water in 100 countries.
In short, the strategy is to integrate biodiversity and ecosystem management with development, climate change risk reduction, and poverty alleviation.
A panel of women in the highest positions of financial and administrative responsibility all pledged their support for the new strategy.
“Human survival depends heavily on biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, yet in recent decades, the world has experienced unprecedented biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, undermining the very foundations of life on Earth,” said UN Under-Secretary-General and UNDP Associate Administrator Rebeca Grynspan.

Environment News Service (http://s.tt/1qsZx)